1. Who dreams of the fairy tail ending i.e find their prince charming. get married. learn to cook every dishes there is. have kids. retired from work. stay at home.and be a desperate housewife(this is too extreme).
2. Who just wants a job that pays i.e have something to call work.get paid.NEVER.
3. Who wants to be the person everybody loves. Not that i don't like being the lovable person but i'm fine being the rebellious daughter, the inpatient employee etc...
I'm just chasing dreams. And the things i write here are just part of a life i live. I refuse to write some of it, and the many other parts can only be discover through the human senses. I appriciate that there are people who come and read it. It is one of the little things in life that matters to me, that puts a smile on my face.
Besides the typing error and unedited entry on some of my writings, the content is fine.
Thank you.