Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Post Secret

I am doubtful that i will get a bonus this year. 

And my fear of that when it actually happen is my loyalty to the place changes. 

I know myself too well that i know it will upset me.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Never that girl

I was never that girl...

1. Who dreams of the fairy tail ending i.e find their prince charming. get married. learn to cook every dishes there is. have kids. retired from work. stay at home.and be a desperate housewife(this is too extreme).

2. Who just wants a job that pays i.e have something to call work.get paid.NEVER.

3. Who wants to be the person everybody loves. Not that i don't like being the lovable person but i'm fine being the rebellious daughter, the inpatient employee etc...