Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thought of the day.

Over what happen today at got me thinking this

  • What are we? - refering to my r/ship with me and him.
  • Will that affect me? - this was over something that happen at work today.
  • What will happen tomorrow? - also over something at work, with my boss, wonder how will he react.

When i got home and think about it, i think to myself...Ah..what the heck la..if it was me, i won't give a damn (but then again, not all people are like me). But still, if it will, then you know what, so what...i can make it somewhere else.

*i do think i am making a big deal out of this, but we'll see how it turns our for now, my advice to myself is


Saturday, July 25, 2009

First Week @ Work...

I finally realise..well i mean i know it how its gonna be before, i anticipated it..but now, i am finally experience it:That working life is more than just what u've learn in school people!

Started with going to meeting alone at a meeting which i have no idea, and was suddently assigned to go to it ALONE.the meeting :pengurusan kewangan.sighs~The food they served at meetings are amazingly good!kalo mcm ni,boleh la sll pegi.haha!

The workloads that i got...oh my...i didnt know how to even get started.I had to this memo to different agencies and letters. Took some time to figure out what i had to go. Took a lot of asking around from my bosses and the staff there. Finally manage to get some done! And currently now i'm a little stuck with doing this representasi thing...have to do two of these. I have one done, going to show it on monday next week and hope it gets approved!

The highlight of the week is defintly getting this case from my boss!I was eager to get everything  done by friday so that i can get started on it,  but unforntly ade satu lagi keje yg xsiap.Anyways,We (nyda &me) helped him to get the record rayuan at POJ on wednesday, and he asked us to help him on  it!So i am currently reading the 2 volumn record rayuan which is as thick as buku MP Jain..on weekends!haha..guess nothing much has changed since llb..weekends also kene buat keje seh!

That's it for the first week...i got my own room now,and the people at my workplace is super nice. I really feel comfortable there. My bossess are very supportive, and so are the senior lawyers there and the staff as well.Hope to learn as much and as fast as i can here.

With all the chaos of getting used to work life and all..i'm sure so are my friends at HQ and at other agencies.And my close friend Ida got a news that she has to go work in Terengganu.So sad she's leaving!we were just making plans about going to see each other for berbuka nnt.oh well..that life...hope she'll be fine there.Lots love Ida!!!I miss ya!!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The two weeks training.

So i just finished my two weeks training at ilkap in bangi. It a training to new DPP's. Erm,, do i summarize it..

The first week was kindda boring..because they basically just tought what we've already learn in class BUT i have to say its very useful indeed. Its a recap of what i've mostly learn in L.L.B....the difference is they just made the 1 year lecture into 2 hours!haha.

The second week was however very tough. We had 4 sessions of mock trial...and omg i was chosen to lead the murder trial which was the first trial!huh!very stressful at first...but i said to myself that this is all good for me.This is an experience which will benefit me in the long i should just do the best i can out of it.And if i think that this i hard and tough to handle...well.. this is just the begining.

The mock trial was very much different to what we had in class before. Although i have to say that the mock trial in UiTM with Mr. Rajes was so-real...this one is very-real!They even called the real expert like the chemist&pathologist for the trial.Tough but all good for the learning process. They and I made lots / some mistake..but there really is nothing to be ashame of.We are all still learning and we learn from them. I enjoyed pretty much the whole trial of the week. There were also some scary moments..expecially ppl in the training know who right...stepped in.Gosh..that was really scary.More than anything i ever experience. It reminds me of rollercoasters.You know where the part that the rollercoaster is at its peak and waiting to go down....and in my head when i'm there...i'm thinking...i want to get out of here...but its too late, bcos i'm already in it.That how it is.hahaha.

The two weeks training is such a short time but i feel so attached to the people there.I felt like we were like a team...And my friends in UiTM that were there..i get to know them even more when i'm there.And its such a blessing. I am a person that cherish moments when i get to know people whom before i never knew personally. When i stayed at the hostel in ilkap, i was roomates with Kak Nai. We were in the lecture class during L.L.B, but i dont think i have ever spoken to her until we were at this training together. And i think she is such a great person!I will miss her truly.I hope you'll do well there in Johor.Be strong and good luck kak.nai!lotsa love!Not forgetting all my other friends there...Nik,Tirah,Mira,Ida,Nite,Fad,Akmal, Ghazali, Ct, Ya etc,,..i will miss you all!Please stay in touch and dont forget me!On Monday we will go our seperate ways..and I wish each and everyone of us good luck!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Officially employed.

Today is my second day at work...i reported duty to the AGC yesterday.I am now officially employed.No longer jobless!Do i need to say what's my post?no need laah kan..i guess eventually you'll find our if you keep reading.

I'm tired. All i can think of is what i'm gonna wear tomorrow and sleeping.

I'm gonna have to do some reading too..sorta like unpacked my CPC lecturer notes. Just to recap a few things for training next week.

Working life-here i come! (does that sounds cliche?...aah..that's jsut how it is.haha)

From yesterday..i am going to be different person for good.we'll see the transformaton won't we?