Saturday, August 8, 2009

Patient my friend.

Last week there was a blood test at my office, and after 23 years of being alive, i finally found that my blood type is B+! And i got a question, can ones blood type change?Because one of the senior lawyer there said he was B+ when he last tested, then suddently on that day they found that he was blood type O.

Is it wrong to be jealous?

My answer is NO, its not. Isn't that a good sign that means that when we are jealous, we want to get better than that person, we have the rush to improve ourself. We have a mission to be accomplish! But okay,,,this jealousy will depends on the subject matter. So i am a bit jealous of my friend, because she seem to be advancing more than me in terms of work...which is good thing for her. Dont get me wrong, she got a good thing going for her. It's just that i wish i was advancing like her or even better. Gosh, i donno, maybe he's right,,i just have to be patient. I guess eventually i will get it, so i just have to be a bit patient and be positive about it.

Talking about positivity. Some nature of work arekilling me.

1. Advisory.

Reason: Because to get started i have to know the law, and trust me, there are laws & regulations that i've never come across before nor was ever thought in law school. So what do you do, go to the library and get the real documents...that isnt so bad, only that there is only two photocopy machine, so you got to wait for your turn, and just wasted some precious amount of time. Now that the law is with you, READ it!The ones i got was something to do with RELA and Civil Defence..thank god they were only like 3/4 pages. Then comes the toughest part, because once i started reading it, its like...yaaaawwwnnn!!and i have to force myself to read it, read it,,,and i started to get real fed up because it was just making me sleepy, CLOSE it..and move on to other things. Then, sometimes during the week you open it up again and finally get the hang of it, but after consultation, you realise there's more issues!So, more reading, more consultations and then the part where i'm starting to like it,,,giving advice, though i start to wonder...betul ke ape aku buat ni?And that is why you have to consult your boss for approval.Hehe..

2. Vet a contract(s)

Oohooo...this is like so much fun (complete opposite). Have to read the whole documents which basically all of them says pretty much the same thing...and as i flip through the pages of each contracts, i realise that i no longer understands what i'm reading, but are just reading words which makes no sense to me....and so i stopped! Gatherred all my strength again!hah! and started reading it again. Its a process of suffering which requires a huge amount of patients. And when its finally done. I dont even want to look at it again. what's done is done! Get it out of my sight!

The whole week was ups and downs, there was a day when everything was going so wrong...there was also a moment that i was so pissed at something which eventually when i face it, it was actually nothing to get so upset about.huh.But it ended well. So i'm glad everything was solved.

I dont know how to end this..but i'm tired now.

Next posting coming very soon bout my next mission to adopt kittens!


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