Love is whatever you make it to be.
Don't define Love. You wont find the right words.
Before you get to Love, you have to get through the Like.
And when you're in this crossroad, as far as my experience has tought me, there's two type of situation.
Situation One: This is when you just instantly fell for each other, instant connection, mutual understanding is just there because you share the same personality, like the same music, share the same interest. The other person just gets you (understands you), so there's nothing to figure out. It was easy.
Situation Two: Not so easy breezy. The connection is there. Might not have the same interest, but that's not a problem. difficult part is that other person gets you, but doesn't give in to you. You put on a game. He puts on a plan. You have a plan. He plays around with your plan (because he already figured it out). Uh. He pose a question, you can't give him an answer. And he wants answers. Sometimes you want answer. And there's just no answer.
Situation one is always preferable, but you dont always get what you want. And as much as i want it, when situation two is at hand, leaves me at no choice but to deal with it. For the record, i don't think i've ever been in situation two. All past relationship have been too easy. HAHA! This is new. And it's tough!!
I don't like games. I seldom play any games on my lappy or anything else related. I hate chess. I only play uno cards (ikut mood), and i used to play the sims, but i got bored of it since. (just sharing a story, i made my sim got married and have baby, and then i made her have an affair with another sim, because i was getting sick of of the daily routine. Now the sims cries a lot because she's fighting and got slapped a few times by her husband. I got fed up trying to make her mood all green requires too much effort, so i abandon my sim. Poor Watermelons!).
So as you can see, i'm not a fan of any kind of game.
So this game of Love, how do i make it easier?
1. Avoid it? Not working for me...
2. Give in? Err..
3. Give up? No. never give up on Love. Haha!
4. Begin? err...has it even started..?
5. Surrender? hahaha. and risk losing? gila!
6. Others?...............(pls fill this for me)
( the above here are just random thoughts, not exhaustive, so dont take 1-6 seriously)
= ))))))))))))
Oh,,,just thought i share, the Hot Air Balloons Festival in Putrajaya was a dissapointment. They just flew like 2 storey high. Waste of ppl's money. Seriously.

Alice in Wonderland was dissapointing too. I don't know what's all the fuss about. I'm not crazy over the story line, and johnny depp character as the Hatter lacks anything special. Sorry depp. Maybe you should start getting a more serious character, because you're streotye of weird fantasy role is getting predictable. Edward the scissor hand, willy wanka & the choc factory,pirates of the carribeaan, and now the hatter, think we've had enough.
Last....i need a VACA!!!!!island get-away with friends would be splendid!!or an overseas trip would be perfect!!i just need a time off!!
Until i can find the time, and figure "things" out with takes a little bit of laugh, and a little bit of pain-the game of love.
p/s: Now i have a secret code.
W = whatever
double V (this happens when i show you two V with my finger, it's not make
peace).It's = Whatever
T = trust
-pretty_happy21-but according to azrin punye test, i am 16, very young at heart!haha!-