Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Scared. Nervous.

1. Takutnya nak pegi Muar hari Khamis appear depan Dato' Ummi! File mcm problem, mesti dia akan banyak tanya, nak jawab apa? kalau die tak puashati dgn jawapan mcmana? worse yet, mcmana kalao dia baling file? Perlu tangkap ke? Tips from senior kata jangan tangkap. Tapi kalao kertas semua nanti dah berterabur, perlu ke pick it up? Ramai tuuu org dalam court.. Malunya nak take a bow of shame!

2. Dah la cuak about the above, i also have never drove to Muar on my own! Finding my routes and directions are not my best forte.


3. Interview itself is just horrifying. The agony of waiting and putting yourself in a spot to be judge by people is definitely not on my list of the most-awaited experience.
I have a job interview on Friday. I am very estrange to the particular area and I can't find the strenght and time to study on it. So if they ask me, i'll be honest and say industry is not my area of practice but guess what, none of it was, but i learn when i get the job. And i get the job done.

The only positive thing about interview is you get to see what you're worth, prospect of a better job and a bigger pay slip. I don't know about those who go to interview for the experience, i can't reconcile that. Not all roller coasters are worth the ride. Definitely not this one.

I hope i get a good offer because that's the only reason i applied for the job. The work scope isn't really what i look for, but i've had it with my current place which gives me no reason to stay.

* Recently i dreamt someone came to my house and proposed, and without even thinking (of course, who has time to think in dreams?), i just accepted it. Afterwards, when all the ceremony was over, i begged my mother to stop it. hah! Anyways, i felt a little bit weird that i had that dream so in the morning, i browsed a little about interpreting dream and i read that if you dreamt as such, it means that soon you are going to get a better job. I wonder, is this coming interview it?

4. My interview has a pre-assessment-written. Not good at all on my side. I only have a day to prepare for it, and on that one day i have to go to Muar. Just perfect!! Bila nk prepare? bila???

P/S Wish me luck!

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