Last week, one of my best friend got hitched! It was approximately about 11.45 at the Masjid Wilayah where the akad nikah took place and sah!

At her kenduri persandingan, i was the brides maid. hahaha! Everything went well, except the part where Nadia did not know. I arrived early at the hall, and just as i arrived, her aunts starts pulling me to the sides for a makeup session. I was uncomfortable to be honest, but i was trying as hard as i could to respect the whole event. I thought the make-up i had on was fine, i got freaked when i saw her aunt starts putting so many things on my face! I can tell there were so many colors, because she wasn't stopping, she was putting so many things on my face, and i couldnt see how i looked! I told her 'makcik saya tak nk tebal and banyak sangat kaler', and she acknowledged, she said 'tak tak, ini nautral je semua'. Sorry, but i just don't trust her hand, because she is just smooching every god damn eye shadow on the pallets. I have a BAD BAD feeling. I have another friend, Ainn, accompanying me that day. She asked her 'okay ke?'. She did not answer me. Then once in awhile, i gave her a face to hint her i wanted to know how the make up on my face was, and she gave me back a face. I CHOKED. This mist be bad.
I don't like thick colored lipstick on my lips. I just like a pinch of color on my lips. That is just how i prefer it. But Nadia aunt's was smooching A LOTT of lipstick on me, then i saw her putting lipgloss pulaakkk! I swear i almost screamed STOP!
I'm sorry makcik, but i think she was like 'syok sendiri' make-up-ing me. After (i think) she was done, she wanted to do my hair pulaaakk! I just have to refuse this time. Of course, i decline politely. Nevertheless, the makcik sempat nk sikat2 my hair!!
As i stood up and get ready to ran, all the makcik around there was saying, 'ha,,baru la cantik'. I was a bit suspicious, i mean betul ke cantik makeup dia,, because i feel horrible. Then the make-up makcik wanted to do more, she was like 'jap2, kena tambah blusher lagi bagi naik pipi'. I decline. I have a horrible feeling i am looking like a clown right now.
I rushed to the toilet.
I was right. I swear i almost cried and ran out of the hall and just go home.
I looked like a PONDAN!!!
There were too many colors on my cheeks, my eyes, my lips. Overall, i looked tanned! My lips were like 'sememeh dgn lipstick'. I was horrified, i don't even know who i was looking at the mirror!
Thank god my friend, Ainn was there..........she calmed me down,subsequently, we got rid (tonned down) the make and colors, so that i looked less BAPOK.
Final result, i swear, this wasn't how i looked like when the makcik make-up me.
Anyways,, That was new. I had someone make-up me before, but it wasn't like that all. But Nadia looked pretty.
Whatever happens, i love you Nadia! Selamat Pengantin Baru!!
p/s did not expect you to be married this soon, but that's okay! = )