Saturday, October 17, 2009

Silence means troubles.

When someone dissapaers for some time, or when two peole sit together not talking...means there's something very negative going on.

That's me.

Been dissapearing from my online world. Well,,one reason is because my laptop is damned messed up. Second reason, i thought its because all those little thoughs that's troubling me are just the normal effects of a girl trying to make in the real world feeling. But turns up as i am beginning to realise, its getting under my skin. It came to the point where i asked myself "have i made the wrong decision". Not a very good sign is it. Also considering, maybe i should quit and start what i have always wanted to do in the first place.

At the next page of my life come that relationship with friends and people we care about. With my sister being married now, it sometimes feel like ai'm losing a sister. I know i'm not losing her, she is still my sister for goodness sake. but lets face it. Its gonna be different and its something i have to get used to. Be alright eventually. And me with this person, i donno where the relationship is heading. Some nights ago i was upset over something we said. And i used "we" because it's just not his or my fault. Its just the situation. The situation that in his world nobody knows i exist. But whose to blame? And what rights do i have to blame him for that. Because me and him. We're actually nothing.

And that is it.

1 comment:

ida said...

huhu..betul 2..things will no longer be the same once ur sister get married..sedey kan, but that's life.Like it or not, u've 2 face it..

Huhu..about u n that someone, all i can say is that, being an adult, life is getting more n more complicated day by day including the man n woman matter which is just too difficult for us to understand.