Sunday, October 25, 2009

You're acting like a jealous girlfriend

That is what a friend of mine, a guy told me when i told him 'the story'.

The story that it sometimes annoys me when this person whom i don't know what kind of relationship were're actually having...sometimes can just go off into silent whenever he feels like it, and the shows up whenever he feels he wants to...and he perfectly have a reasonble good reason to do so. Like example for once, i asked him why he didn't reply my text that morning and he answered because he was in the training class and he was sitting right in front. What am i suppose to say?It's a good reason!And once again what right do i have to asked him anything, when there is nothing officially going on between us.Yeah...the story goes on and on...and my friend said i should take is easy and slow down, because i'm acting like a jealous girlfriend when i'm not his gf. Ouch!

Try listening to this song by Brandy- Have you ever and appriciate the lyrics. It's almost sad and something which i relate to. Imagine that you like and care for someone so much, only that the other person does not feel the same way, or at least not show it. Ouch again!

Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry?
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night?
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right?
Have you ever?

Have you ever?

Have you ever been in love
Been in love so bad
You'd do anything
To make them understand?
Have you ever had someone
Steal your heart away?
You'd give anything
To make them feel the same?
Have you ever searched for words
To get you in their heart
But you don't know what to say
And you don't know where to start?

(Repeat chorus)

Have you ever found the one
You've dreamed of all your life?
You'd do just about anything
To look into their eyes?
Have you fin'ly found the one
You've given your heart to
Only to find that one
Won't give their heart to you?

Have you ever closed your eyes and
Dreamed that they were there

And all you can do is wait
For that day when they will care?

(Repeat chorus)

What do I gotta do to get you in my arms, baby?
What do I gotta say to get to your heart
To make you understand
How I need you next to me?
Gotta get you in my world
'Cause, baby, I can't sleep

(Repeat chorus twice)

Have you ever?

This is one of my all time favourite song. And my justification for so-called acting like a jealous girlfriend. I Am not. I just feel that you can't just disspaear from me and act like i dont exist, and suddently show up just because i am there. I want to be there. Maybe it's too early. Or maybe it's a sign that its not meant to be. I'm torn. = (

I'm sorry, i don't like writing all this emotional thing. But i can't help it. These days, it is one of major problems and dilemmas.sighs to that.

1 comment:

ida said...'s just normal to be emotional la..ikut ko nk tulis ape pun. afterall, this is your blog..kalo org x suka, sape suh dorg baca..xde org paksa pun.. :)