Thursday, August 5, 2010


People knows.

This morning as i was walking around the office being busy or should i say pretending to be busy? haha. Anyway, so i was walking..met a guy from another department who was walking by and the first thing he said to me was...

Mr.X : Are you okay?

My inside response : I really hate that question because it seem like you know what’s going on, but you just want to hear it come from my mouth.

Pretty Happy : (Smile! Flip my hair, with a spunky attitude). Sure! Why?

Mr.X : That’s good. But you just seem sad these days. You’re smilling a lot but you seem like hiding something deep down.

My inside response : Why bother deny when he knows what’s going on. And ugh? Have you been observing me? That’s not cool!

Pretty Happy : Yea. It’s true. (still smiling).

Mr.X : I’ll call you and we can talk it out.

My inside response : Honestly, i don’t really want to talk about it. Especially with you! You aren’t exactly the right person whom i should be telling my problems to. But you’re a good person.

Pretty Happy : (Smile and walk off).

What he said is true. I won’t deny it. But i hate it to hear it from other people because when it’s out in the open, i feel like i have to relive those moments again when i think i’ve gotten past it.

What a small world.

The lawyer who called me, been twice he called actually to asked about a case, turns out to be someone who is on my facebook. What a small world huh? He’s actually my senior in UiTM. I don’t know him, i actually thought he was somebody else so i added him, turns out he’s not. So i just let him be since we’re basically uitms.

I’m sure he’s going to call again tomorrow OR i will give him a call. Officially. Strictly Professional mind fine, whatever. He’s kindda cute. In a band. Single. Just broken up. So fine, he’s kindda hot!! Hahahaha!! Did i mention he got a nice voice! And that’s rare, a good looking guy with a hot voice?

I wonder if he knows we’re facebook-mates!

p.s The beauty of being single. I can finally see other’s good qualities! (though sometime, it is kind of disturbing!- asked my officemate..diorg sll kata..budak ni mana-mana pegi, balik mesti kata jumpa org handsome. haha!)

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