Bofore today came, i vow to take an oath. An oath that i will no longer be a super excited jumping up and down, hyper at the most misappropriate time miss pretty happy.
It's time to grow up.
Be serious and boring.
The reason being is because i was going to Langkawi and meet people, and some people i will meet, or should i say person, is my motivation to go to this meeting. Out of all the people who knew me, some even know me better than i know myself, i still have to say i know myself best. And when i am around people, i either get excited and say things or do something which i will reflect back and regret. Or..., okay, there is no Or, There is just one thing that's bound to happen.
And yes it did!
Putting aside the super excited girl. I get a much more loosen up and happier version of me, which is not always a good thing. But who can blame my behaviour! There is just something about that island that makes people go all Hey!! Hey!!
First, i feel like a pampered vip. Then, i start meeting a lot of familiar faces which makes me feel so easy breezy and comfy. Then, it started while i sat beside a lady who starts giving me compliments about the top im wearing. Then beside the lady, was a guy a.k.a image consultant whom the last time we saw each other, i had my bang hairstyle and he said ...
Oh, you got a new hair?
No, my hair just got longer.
But I like this look on you. It looks fresh.
*me blushing*
Then i went on and on about hairstyle this and this with him, and he didnt quite get what i was saying because i was starting to have like a girl-to-girl conversation with him, and the noise in the room. Then it got me wondering, since when did we become best friends?
Then, Back front, Left and Right- I said Hi to all. And then termenyampuk conversation with another person. I must have had too much conversation i forgot to stop my mouth from speaking. But frankly, i was just helping her answer her question, because it seem that everyone already know the answer except her. So i'm just assisting the travelling of news. Still, i admit, that was not very appropriate. Let the person who's question is directed answer the question ilyana! Basic! me malu seketika...
But i got over it fast.
The next day, the lady who complimented my top, once again complimented me. She stopped me while i was in the middle of walking and said "I really like your top. You have a very nice collection". Okay, the gedik me came out in this. I actually pose thinking i was a model or something and said my wardrobe mostly came from nichii! That pose was not necessary and if i can recall how i said it, i sounded very gediksss. And nichii is not very high fashion okay, that's not suppose to came out loud. Oh me..Right after i get all model-ish (konon) with the lady, Mr. Him attacked! He came so suddently i didnt not have time to compose myself except just continue being ......gediks! He invited for a karoake session during nighttime, and i confident je cakap mcm nk join. tgk2 mlm fall flat on my bed!
Moving on to my motivation..
Mr.Him was being his typical self, very uptight and busy and always on the phone, and always there where i am and always talking to me at the very last moment of every event, like at the end of a discussion, when i have finished eating, as our way to check-in at the airport and as we were picking up our luagage. He needs to pick up the pace! He also need to stop appearing in places and at times when i least excepted. Example is choosing a seat right in front of me. Great. Now i just can't look straight anymore.
Above all that, i had fun in Langkawi.
I also found my biggest fan. I don't know whether i should be flattered of throw up. I dont want to think about that.
I want to remember this trip as splendid all new me.
Super Excited Jumping Up and Down and hyper at the most misappropriate time.-this one is still staying!
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extremely in happy mode dapat beli unlimited supplies of chocolate! How old am i again? = P |
= ))))))))))))))))))))))
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