Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Got more than a job.

I am not happy about the interview....i will not elaborate further on this here. But i am glad that i got the job. I also got to met many familiar faces there...saw some of my assasians friends from other universities applying for the job under 'colas'. Also met my lecturer which was very nice. He is still such a a nice person.

And boy did i get more than a job today. As i was waiting at the kafe after the interview had finish, got a call from an unknown number. I already suspected that this must be somebody from the interview. And i was right. Ade pulak staff2 tadi yg nk berkenalan...omg..sempat pulak la diorg nk main2 amik nombor.ishk.seriously not interested.

If there is one thing that people need to know about me. Well. I DO NOT LIKE UNKNOWN NUMBER IN MY PHONE FROM UNKNOWN PERSON. Seriously, this old school style of getting someone's phone number without their permission with the hope that some sparks might be there...please..i don't buy it.

And now i think he's stalking me too (stalking is not the right term but i like to call someone a stalker when they dont stop calling me..haha). Some people just do not know how to read the signs dont' they...if i dont answer your calls ...then read the signs dude--->not interested!


aTHiRaH said...

nnt tiap2 hari stalker tu stalk you, yana...siap kasi flowers lak..hehe

pretty_happy said...

hush..jgn la jd mcm tu..lepas ni nk tukar nama panggilan la..haha..any suggestion?hehe..

aTHiRaH said...

nope...yana kan sedap...i think pasni dia mesti x berani kacau..coz kena panggi "puan yana" lak..hehe