1. Cool Friends (Because i have more time to socialzse, yehaa!)
2. Shop till i drop (considering that my salary is so much, i can buy whatever i want and to have a collection of designers handbag. Branded items.Unlimited clothes, so my wardrobe will not be so out of style)
3. Watch all my favourite show (Since there's no more exams and assignment to be handed over, i have more time to watch time tv. I can watch all my favouritse tv-show-ugly betty, grey's anatomy, friends...etc)
All together : My idea of life after study is so much fun and exciting. Finally, after all the complaining in school and in varsity, about not having "a life". I finally have one!
7 months later.
I have a perfectly stable job (though my boss doesn't think so).
My job pays quite a lot (compared to my friends in chambers, no offence you guys).
And yet:-
No designers handbag neatly arrange in my wardrobe. In fact, haven't bought any since my first paycheck.
No unlimited range of clothes to choose from in my wardrobe. Starting to think my wardrobe is getting so-blah. XDE BAJU DECENT NK PAKAI PEGI GOTONG ROYONG PON OK! No new jeans! My favourite jeans won't fit me perfectly anymore. It's either the material is shrinking or i'm loosing weight. I prefer the first.
No cool blouses or nice baju kurung to wear to work. Sometimes, i still wear my baju kurung since standard 6 (i'm amaze that i manege to fit into it). Since every thurdays is a batik day, i have very limited batik to wear, and there's an officemate at work who sells batik. Even that xhabis bayar lagi! Xde duit nk amik 4 layer lah kan.
I can honestly say, the problem is not because i dont have the financial resources, but you know they say, the more money you have the more you are so sayang to use it. And i have other priorities, for example savings for future investments. Wonder what happen to the shopaholic spirit?
Watch tv? Or the tv watching me? I no longer have any favourite tv show to keep watching, because the idea of a tv show is that you have to constantly watch the episodes to keep watching it, get it? And i don't watch tv. Other than the fact, ASTRO only tayang cite yg xbest, and STAR WORLD is so out-dated, kt U.S Ugly Betty dah sampai season 5, baru nak show season 2, i'm so tired after work i don't bother to turn on the tv.
So it my social life up the notch? Probably. BUT, not after work. And it's not that interesting, isn't really much of a different. Met people, but one that catches the heart, not yet.
My routine on weekdays involve, basically, two acts-FB and Sleep. Sometimes i don't even eat dinner. Sometimes i sleep with my work clothes still on. Sometimes i fall asleep with my laptop still on (so, if you see me online on ym or im notreplying your messages, consider me in a coma). Sometimes i forgot to take my make-up off. Worst, sometimes i sleep with my contact lense!
My normal reaction every morning on weekdays.
One.What? dah pagi???damn!wasted my precious time by sleeping the whole night? Thinking about doing work at home?Forget it, Not gonna happen to me!
Second. Malas nk iron baju! Mlas juga nk iron baju malam tu. And that's explains how sometimes i look so makcik!haiya..
So i often ask myself.
Now, i am at the phrase of my daily weekdays routine where i am on my fb. Somehow today, i will catch up to American Idol, it's the only tv show i keep up since. Going to have a shower, and then have dinner tonight. Then finish up some work.
Let's see if i break the daily weekdays routine tonight!

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