Monday, April 11, 2011

Bad habit dies hard?

When a hot guy admits to you he was once a player and that one day as he was going to sleep he heard azan everything changes for him thereon. Do you believe him or do you think that this is just one of his moves to get a girl?

p/s   Trust me when i say he is hot.


pilotHans said...

unless u know him more then 1year then u might know him a bit better..if not, it's just one of his moves gal...don't believe what u hear or see, just believe what u observe...

p/s but again, i don't represent hot man..just my humble opinion :p hahaha...

pretty_happy said...

yea,,everything is too soon to tell but excuse my prejudice to hot man and because i don't know him that well to judge, i think it is just one of his moves.
