Thursday, April 7, 2011

Me and Mr.Opponent

Scene : Registrar's Room
Parties : Me and Mr. Opponent

First, let me describe my condition. I was from another court and dragging my beg. It's heavy filled with nearly 10 files and I'm wearing a 3 (maybe 4) inche heels (Bearing in mind i have a bad history with this heels, so i make sure i walk properly this time to avoid anymore misstepped).  Mr. Opponent was carrying only a few files which i bet contain just few pieces of paper.

As i make my way to the room, Mr. Oponent was waving to me like saying here i am! cepat lah jalan skit! Duh~ Anyways, as i entered the room, he was already sitting comfortable and Mr. Registrar was waiting for us.

I walked inside and my beg must have hit the door which initially was left open with a little rock at the door to keep the door from closing. As it hit the door, of course the door closed lah. Yes, i did see it but pretended like it's nothing (which it is nothing). I mean what was i to do? Bend down and reopen the door when my hands are full? And it's not a big deal.

Just that....

As i was sitting down and watched the door closed slowly behind me, Mr. Registrar said "aaaa..pintu tu memang automatic". Heh. Seriously, i find that funny! I was about to burst out laud cracking or give him a pat on the shoulder saying that's a good one! But i manage to keep my composure, although i have to admit i was already half smiling trying to stop myself from laughing.

Yes, there is more..

Then, the hearing begins. And just great! Mr. Registrars had the standing fan switched on! Isn't he already freezing in this office? Offices are freezing you know. The fans was located exactly behind me and very near of course, because it is not such a big room. So there you go. My hair was all over the place for goodness sake! I have long hair and i did not pony tie it today. So just imagine that... haih! I must have looked pretty messed up from Mr. Registrar's spot. Thank god it only lasted awhile, otherwise i might have looked like i just had an electric shock.

When i walked out, there's a junior but hot looking Registrar right out side just looking at me (i think he's new because he looks fresh and young) outside, i've seen him a couple of times. What a super great impresssion i've made!

Okay...that is funny right?

I had a good laugh about that. Hehe.

Don't get the joke? Fine! I'm not a funny person. I don't watch raja lawak or senario. I don't tell great jokes!

Whatever ; )

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