Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Random Facts One

There's one thing you should know about me, is that when i get stressed or had a bad day, for some people they can't wait to get home and jump into their comfy bed and cry or some sort, but for me, i stuffed myself with food. I go to places where i know there's food and where there are people.

Rationale: Food just makes me feel better. People, just make me think that there are a lot more in worse situation as i am. Though for certain, at that very moment i feel really doom. And when there's people, there's going to be a lot of noise, so it makes you can't think. It kind of force me to forget and unfocus on my situation.

Not that you should know, and that you should care, but i am going to stuffed myself now.

Don't worry, i am so good at hiding my emotion. Like a friend say, i am always ok.

Advice: It's okay to be vulnerable (i too hate it when im in that situation), but don't let it show.


ida said...

aku pn suka makan n jln2 bila tension..haha..x mau balik umah terus..dulu masa kt uitm,kalo tension je gi pkns,sacc (dh tu paling dekat)walaupun xde pape nk beli..just tgk2,jln2 n mkn..then baru balik..

pretty_happy said...

aku pon dulu dh mlm pon dayakan juga pegi sacc mall tu..
bile nk hang out mcm dulu lg? = (

ida said...

aku akan blk sana x lama lagi...nnti dah settle semua aku story mory kt ko eh? :)