Okay, NO we're not. (and i dont know by 'we', i would be referring to whom anyway) It's the kitties! I (to be exact it's basically me, my brothers and my sister who agreed to share custody of the two kittens..haha.That is a little dramatic. We agreed to take care of the kittens okay).
My brother told me that his friend has two kittens to give away, he let take a look at the picture of the kittens in his phone. At first, i wasn't to enthusiastic about it, since it looked like an ordinary kitten. But decided to adopt it anyway, because Najla and Alang was all excited to adopt them. So right that evening when Angah said he was going to bring the kittens homes, the three of us all head to a pet shop somewhere in Petaling Jaya and bought their 3-tier cage,food,litter sand, vitamin,toys...etc (it is like buying for a new born baby!). Then we were all so hungry we head to One Utama for dinner at Seoul Garden. Spend like 2 hours there, talked about what we are going to name the kittens, then went home and reached home around 8!
When we got home, we saw the two kittens sat in a cage looking so scared and estrange. When i saw them, i instantly fell in love with them. They are so adorable!
We named them,
1. Kuning

This is female kitten. She is very stubborn and very active. When we let her out to play, she only comes back home when she is hungry and when it is starting to rain. And she is also very ganas,..acts all tough but when we gave the kittens a bath, she is one who makes the biggest sound! She likes to play with bell ball very much.
We named her after our late beloved cat who was very loyal to us. He died in an accident. If i recall it right, it was during raya(don't ask aidilfitri or raya haji, i dont remember). We searched for him the whole night and found him in front of our house. I imagine that he was running to us when we called him and a car hit him. A hit and run case. = ( We buried him at our front yard. Hmm..i just made that so haunting, didn't i?
2. Kaka

This is a male kitten. He is slightly bigger and i recon slightly older than Kuning too. He seemed very quite in the beginning. But he is very loyal and he listens to what we say (unlike Kuning, kalo panggil die kadang2 buat donno je. Cis!). When he goes wondering around and playing outside, he doesn't like to go very far because every time we call out to him, he will come running back to us. And he likes it when we sit near him. I guess he likes it when there are people around him. Kaka doesn't like to be hold but he likes to be pad. He likes to play with things that are in blue! (i read that cats are color blind, is it true?)
The thing is with having a cat is that they are loyal to you. They stay by your side whenever you are sad, happy or in whatever mood swing you are in. You can talk to them and when you look into their eyes, as if they understands you. They stay true to their owner unlike some of you guys out there who change your feeling whenever you feel like it! = P
I watch in Oprah, that your pet is a reflection of who you are. It is kind of true. You know, i mentioned just now that i have a cat named Kuning who died. Administratively (secara pentadbiran)..haha (i use that term because they use a lot of that at my workplace), it is my cat, though technically it is my brother. The cat that i consider was really mine is Comel. He is a mix-persian cat, and his fur is like a cow pattern.Hehe. As i look back, i see a lot of me in Comel as in...
- Comel chooses what he eats. Very selective in eating, nak makan sedap je.Mengada-ngada.I remember when his cat food was running out and we gave him rice mixed with fish in substitute until i buy his food. He didn't want it. OMG, cat doesn't eat fresh fish!pulaakk. Like me, yes i admit i always find the need to have good food! And i want to eat different food everytime, and i make sure my cat do too, because just like me, i'm sure my cat will fell really bored eating the same food all the time. SO i bought my cat some can food so they enjoy their meal too! = )
- Comel like to follow us (our family member) whenever we go. Sometimes i get really rimas too, but then i do the same! Before i knew how to drive, i always follow my parents wherever they go. Even to carefour! But then its just my nature, i like going out, and so does Comel. Boring kan dok rumah je. = )
Well,,with Kuning and Kaka now,,i wouldnt know how they would reflect their owners, because there are 4 of us! I also have a new hobby now, shopping for my cat gives me great satisfaction. It makes me feel that i have somewhere to give my love to as i consider myself loveless now. HAHA.
So dear Kuning and Kaka,
Welcome to the family.
Kaka is on my laptop now
================================================ ----> he did this!
Gonna go deal with him.
Kids these days.
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