Monday, May 31, 2010

Why Men Can Only Do One Thing At A Time And Why Women Can't Stop Talking.

A stop at the bookstore today caught hold of me of this book. Oh that long title above is the title of the book, can't remember the author but don't worry it's quite popular so i believe it's availabe at all major bookstore. 

I snap a picture of one of the pages. I instantly laughed out loud at this one.


*morale: don''t set too many criteria...because you might not get all in one. Humans don't come in a complete package.

Now check this one out. I don't know how far the truth in this one because i've never encounter such men i guess. But a i've heard my heard ppl telling me that men don't like to ask for direction because it's a weakness...pride or ego. It's a men thing. Really?


*morale: pls stop and ask, because when you're driving as in you don't know where you're might be driving dangerously and dangering other road users. So spare your life and others as well. (this is a  community service message. haha!)

There's more funny illustrations in the book. 

Seriously i am really tired after coming home from Penang. This week i'm also going to have to work harder! Penang was fun and i love it there, especially the property!

I have some work to do tonight, but i'm going to watch a couple of GA episodes first. Heh.

Until then, this is me...flying off... literally.

that's me = )

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Reasons why we do not enjoy packing.

One - As possibile as we could, we want and try to opt for the smallest bag / luagage availble.

Two - We want to bring a lot of things. For the ladies, we have variety of clothes to bring along. There's clothes for every occasion, and at the end of the trip we'll realise we don't really need that much.

Three - Try to reconcile One and Two. Headache!

Four - This probably applies only to me and my dad as we have crumple-free issue, which mean once we start to ironing out clothes, we can stand to see any crumples here and there, even a bit. I feel the need to iron every clothes that i've packed. Even if it's just the tshirt i'm going to wear to bed. And other shirts or blause or everything else, even though i know when i'm there at the hotel i will still have to iron it back. What's the point iron awal2 kan? It's a habit i cant get rid off. And it's tiring!!

Five - Once you finish the picking stuff to bring, ironing, folding, arranging... you put them all in your bag. Then suddently..wala! either too much space because you pick a too large bag OR not enough space. So you have to set aside some things, pick another bag, arrange it again. Argh! then all you're clothes is just crumpling all over due to too much folding!

That is exactly why i don't enjoy packing. It's time consuming when it shouldn't me the headache!Btw, i spend almost 2 hours just packing up like 8-10 pieces of clothes. It's so not worth time.

I'm going away for 3 days.

I can see Beaches!! Yeehaaa!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Block People

People you have blocked will not be able to interact with you on Facebook. Any Facebook friendships or relationships you currently have with that person will be broken. Note that blocking someone may not prevent all communications and interactions in applications, and does not extend to elsewhere on the Internet.

I accidentally pressed the block button on my fb on a certain someone. i did not intent to. i just wanted to try out and see what happen. So fine, coindentally i picked him! lucky shot i guess. or not. It turns out that once you blocked a person who is a friend on your fb, you will automatically delete that person from your fb.

Any Facebook friendships or relationships you currently have with that person will be broken.---> i read this, but i thought it meant when the person IS ON your block list. So when you decide to no longer block that person, we'll still be friends.
Oh well. Learn something new and valuable there. Sorry though. Not that it matter if we're still on each other fb anyways right.?

Huh. That's what happens when i ran out of things to do.

Tik Tok.

Did you say it? I love you. I don't ever wanna live without you. You changed my life. Did you say it? Make a plan. Set a goal. Work toward it. But every now and then, look around. Drink it in. Because..This is it. It might all be gone tomorrow.

I still can't get over that last image of George.When Meredith said those words above with the sad music playing in the background. It gives me the chill. It's painfully sad. But turns out, on season 6 Izzie did not died. But George did. It still doesn't cure the sadness.

The thing about these tv series, you get attached to the character. As much as you like the orginal character, they're gonna come and go. So deal with it! (reminding myself of course)

Bye George O'Malley. His character in GA potrays him as a clumsy doctor but actually very smart, he doesn't like to show off his skill, kind hearted and very good friend, funny and gentle, and a very sweet lover. He is actually gay is reality.


Desperate calls for desperate measures. Desperate calls are for desperate people.

You know, i can give this guy a high five for making bold moves. No, not the guy in that picture. Someone else lah. Very curageous of him. But don't you think there's a point when too many bold moves is a little desperate? And when you're not getting any feedback, I think it's time you take a step back.

Bold is cool! But desperate is not. It's a turn off.

Don't make yourself too available okay. It kills the thrill.

That's one. Another one is....This is a little bit sensitive.I'm just wondering what's the rush seriously to start a family when you don't even have a relationship yet? and what's with telling everyone about it? (bearing in mind that these ppl ain't that old yet)


I stayed home this whole weekend. Bored to death. Other than my friends are all not available this week, i'm trying to save here.

I had breakfast and shagrila hotel with my family celebrating daddy's birthday! Happy Birthday Daddy!

Semoga panjang umur dan sihat selalu! 
Tak lama lagi dapat kereta baru!

Oh i'm not looking foward to a particular day next week.

But I'm still counting days for many events. There's Penang, there's winter sonata, there's a wedding, though there is one day next week that i am not looking foward to. Haih. Just get through it.

Till then...

signing off!


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Oh God!! No!

Oh God! That's so sad! After not watching it for some time now, suddently the story changed so drastically!I thought it had become lame with the same old Meredith-Derek tarik tali punye drama.But no!Have you watch the season 5 finale of Grey's Anatomy? Izzie is dead! You know i dont really like izzie in the begining of GA but as the story moved on, i feel for her! She has a string on guys who played with her feeling but everything changed for her when she falls for this Danny guy, they were about to get married, and he was about to die, and she got involved in this unethical procedure she did to save Danny, and Danny died on the day she was about to see him with her beautiful dress on! Then she couldn't forget Danny! Then i kindda got lost because i didnt watch GA anymore...but whatever.....and i skip skip skip...fasfoward to season finale because everyone was posting izzie is dead on fb!! I watched it, and it was sad!! And it even sobber when she saw O'mally in the end in her mind right as she was about to die. She had always loved O'malley! They were best friends with benefit! And O'malley just got into a terrible accident! I hope he doesn't die because GA has lost enough original characther! But if he made it, it's still sad because then he'll realize izzie isn't there anymore!

Somebody lent me season 4 and 5 of GA right now!! if that's too time cosuming to download and buy (defintly not out yet), cheaper way is to go Jakarta and buy it! (heh. i'm not saying i've done it before. but you know they do sell there out in the open. freaaakiiiinngggg cheeaaappp!!!!)

I'm still shocked and overwhelmed after watching that video of GA on youtube.

Oh izzie steven. rest in peace! If you watched from the very beginging of GA, you'll noticed...all izzie wanted was to find the person to spend the rest of her life. All she wanted was to get married with that one person.

Katherine Heigh- good job! (though my favoruite characther is still christina!)

Oh, here's the video;-

Friday, May 21, 2010

Public Affairs.

Let's start with Affairs.

We adults know what it is. Maybe for some of us, we might have come into counter in this situation. Affair is a tricky term. Because doesn't it mean it is suppose to be secret? But then, there's private affairs (very lowprofil). secret affairs (this must be a scandalous one and the only person who knows is between the twos). Ever heard of public affairs? It's like a wrong relationship that shouldn't be happening in the first place and should be kept secret but it was made known.

If you're in an affair, make sure it's either kept private or secret (in nature there's not much of a difference). Make sure you keep it subtle and no one ever finds out. That is how you wanted it to be, isn't it? YES. Because if the answer is not in affirmative, you in it for the public affairs.

Coming down to Public Affairs, i should warn you that people around you ARE going to find out. Like com'on okay, even in secret affair people can tell, what more making it public. I don't need to make a list acts tantamounting to making it obvious. I think we all human can agree that there's a fine line on two people making obvious act that there's something intimate going on between the them.

My only question is.....

When you put yourself in this situation, can you really blame people around you for talking and making fun out of it?

I get it, what one does in their personal life is their own buisness. It actually is, no one is stopping you from doing anything. You can continue to be in that state without others approval. Only problem is, people are going to talk about it. They are going to pass judgement. When you are seen together, and you don't even need to be together, it is sufficient you both are in the same room, thoughts are going to run through people's mind. And people are going to make faces.

When this occur? Do you have the right to stop / get mad at people with these reactions?

I like to answer my own question. The answer above is No you don't.

The way i see it, you put youself in that situation. You should have thought of your act in the beginning. You should have known that you live in a society where such affair is frown upon. You are part of that soceity too, you know exactly the reason why it is frown upon. It's too bad that you don't like how people view and react to it.

You can get annoyed at them. Hate them. Be mad at them. Get back at them. But keep it to youselft as your own private emotional affairs. You don't have the right to express those emotion to them. You can't stop them from those reaction. They never stop you, did they?

Honestly speaking from my tiny eenie meenie mo experience and observations from people in my vacinity, affairs is just a relationship that is not meant to be. Not like you two are not meant to be together type of thing. But it's just wrong for some perfectly valid reasons. Reasons we ourself agree on. But sometime we just can't help ourself....

Speaking in general here, i'm sure some affairs have their own exceptional excuses. Some are ashame to be seen together which is still wrong because why should you be ashame of the person you love? Some might have some problems with their current relationship which could justify the affair. But my advice is not to prolonged the problem and find a solution. The longer it is, people are going to hurt deeper. And there are some that are in it for the fun and excitement.

We all grown up can decide what's best for ourself. If you're in an affair-Think. If it's going somewhere then i guess it's fine. But you don't see an aisle, why put yourself in the middle of nowhere.

*the same applies to relationship. If you don't see a future, why risk youself the chance of broken hearted. If you don't see the relationship progressing. If you're always getting hurt. Why put youself in such misery. Please know what you are worth.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Before i start with my thank you speech in conjuction with teachers day, allow me to share one 'the' silliest story ever happened to me in school. My school days were filled with lots of exciting memories and i am proud to say that i have enjoyed every bits and pieces of my school days. There are countless events during my school days where, when i look back, i don't know what i was thinking. But it was fun. If i would ever go back in time, i would go back to school anytime! Guess i have been tranfered to different school at different states and countries would have contributed to my many exciting and some bizzarre experiences in school.

This is by far, my all time favourite school stories. I should start by making in clear to all you readers that i spend my entire primary school in Hong Kong, except for my primary 6. Ironically, my dad decided to go back to Malaysia for good that year so that i would be able to take my UPSR in the country. Hmm. Giving it a deep thought for awhile,one would wonder how would i be able to make it pass the exams having ZERO knowledge of the subjects tought in my country. On the bright side, i know that my dad did so because he didnt want me to be soo left behind as sooner or later we will all come back to Malaysia, and I will have to deal with the school here.

Putting aside the few months at school was bad. I did get a lot of attention. News that "she's from overseas" spread fast. Not to mention i got a label "poyo" because they think i can't speak malay and everything i write is in English. And not-so surprisingly i scored highest in English subject for my entire form. haha (kelakar pon ade okay, baru berape bulan masuk sek tibe2 naik pentas amik hadiah. gila lah!).

Back to this story of mine having in mind at that material time, i literally have zero knowledge of the subjects they tought in school here, except for maths, english and science - i'm doing fine there.

The class was having like peperiksaan apa tah. I donno, back then in school there's just too many level of exams. test, mid term lah..pre-trial lah..bottom line is it was a test.

And it was Bahasa Melayu.

I don't mean to freak out. I use to think "hey, it couldn't be that hard". Little did i know that my shallow knowledge in Bahasa at that time did me no justice. To warm things up, there was penjodoh bilangan. The last time i was in school in the country which is in my kindergarten, all they tought me was se-buah and se-biji. I was taken back in shocked by the multiple choices in the answer which consist of se-ulas, se-papan, and many more i can't recall. I answered everything se-buah and se-biji. I was confused when some of the multiple answers contained none the twos which then call for,,tembak je laah. Then there was peribahasa. I can't quite recall my reaction to those. Most probably because i can't remember none of them as i'm not familiar with any of them. Another one of those desperate calls for desperate measures- hentam je laah.

And then comes the juicy part. The essay! I love writing. When i was in my international school, my teacher, Miss Rachel she use to put like five random pictures on the board and we all would have to write our own story based on the picture we choose. So every student have different unique story as in their own interpretation of the picture. We all have to hand in the essay right that day, so it reflects each of our own spontaneous reflection of the picture. I remember Miss Rachel reading my essay, and i one of her exact word as i remember was "nor, this is a good story. very unpredictable and it has a little twist. do u mind if i show it to Mr. Lee" (mr. lee is the teacher next class which i hate, i have a feeling he doesnt like me very much either.haha.). Well, that was flattering indeed.

But essay is only good when you know what you are writing. And writing in a language which you don't conquer is a tough challenge. At that material time, writing in Bahasa is tough for me because i don't master the language. I can't seem to find the right word to express myself. Though, that is the least of my problem.

Remember in school there's this sort of question where they give you the introduction, and then you have to kindda follow through / continue the story. That's what happen to my essay.

I'll just describe a little bit how it went. Introduction sounded something like....situasi is anda berada di perhentian bas, dh malam, hujan lebat, seorang, and nampak ada rumah usang.....sila sambung cerita.

Notice i highlighed the rumah usang word. To be honest, AT THAT moment, i have no clue what on earth is a rumah usang. i know lah rumah tu house, but usang? And i made one of the most ridicilous story every told. I though usang is like a label given to an individual who lived in a very pedalaman kampung. So i made the story like there was Pak Usang, and i met him, and we chatted, used his telephone to call home. Worse- i met his wife! She served us coffee! For god's sake!! You know i confidentally wrote about 2 pages! And i was confident what i wrote was correct! I only realise i wrote such crap until the my teacher (Puan Faizah) was about to hand out the paper and she told the class how terrible the essay she got. She specifically told that someone wrote about rumah usang as in Pak Usang. I could no longer feel my airliur at that time. I look at my friend beside me, she was laughing at the thought of someone writing about that. I asked her what rumah usang was and she said it's a term used for a house that's been left for many years without anyone living in it anymore. I gulped myself. Crap. Thank god my teacher did not meantion who wrote it.

When she called me to hand in my essay, i could not look at her. She knows i wrote such silly essay! I'm embarassed and ashame of myself. I can't even read the essay again. It's humiliating. I remember that i hide it so that no one could ever find it. Since it was only a test, i threw the essay as it's so embarasssing to read. Thinking about it now, i should have kept it. I'll have a good laugh reading it. I still do when i think about it. I shared this story with my sister and my mum. They all cracked real hard!! Who wouldn't?!

So that's how it was. After that incident, i realise how much i've been left out in my Bahasa. I asked my mum to buy me all those peribahasa, penjodoh bilangan and Bahasa Melayu books for me. I seriously start from scratch in my Bahasa. Gladly i manage to buckled up in time for my exams. I scored in my UPSR, and yes, got an A for my Bahasa. My parents and teachers were very pleased. I am pleased too. Just one year to cope up with everything is not a bad record. = )

So there it is. It was a weird-funny experience that thought me a good lesson. Puan Faizah is an amzing teacher. I felt bad for making such bad essay as i didn't want her to think that she hasn't tought her student well, so i asked my mum to come over to school to meet her. My mum came and she explain about how i'm still getting use to master the language and Puan Faizah said now that she knows, she's not very worried about me anymore. She said there's still time and she believe i can still make it in time for the exam. And i did.

So this teachers day, i would like to express my great appriciation to all teachers that have tought me. I can't list down the names as i might have forgotten a few. Teacher is a noble profession. They are what make us today. I would not have make it as i am now today without their help and guidance. At the early days of my school days in Malaysia was kind of hard. I fell estrange to the enviroments and subjects. But my teachers were all very nice to me. I remember one in particular who cared deeply for me. Thank you so much. I hope when my kids gets here, they will be tought by the same amazing teachers that have tought me.



p.s ..

My dad made a good decison to go back that year. = )

I hope Mrs. Faizah did not make a copy my essay.

Thursday, May 13, 2010



Daddy: Ayah ada berita baik. Ayah ade berita baik.
Pretty Happy: Apa? (looks at my mum for answer, and asked again) Mummy..apa? (looks at Najla) Apa..tahu ke?
*daddy is still repeating "ayah ada berita baik".
Najla: Tak tahu...
Mummy: Tanya lah sendiri .
*daddy is still repeating "ayah ada berita baik".
Pretty Happy: Kaklong mengandung eh!?
Mummy & Najla: (they out on a face)..and goes what?
Daddy : Ayah dapat tender baru dengan TM lah.
Ladies: Ooooo
Mummy & Najla : Laughed at my answer!

* Out of all the things, the first thought that across my mind was seriously is my sister pregnant.what is wrong with my answer? That IS happy news!



*lift opens. saw a familiar face.
Pretty Happy: Hai Encik Hafiz! (he's going out, im going in)
En.Hafiz: Ey Hai! Suka rambut baru u. Lawa rambut depan baru u.
Pretty Happy: Ehehehe (cheh, malu2 pulak nk mengaku kan,haha)
Natrah: Eh, die kenal u?
Pretty Happy: ha'ah

*that compliment actually light up my day. I already knew my new hair is pretty cool sbb ramai org tegur. HAHA. Damn. perasan siot! Xda la,,but when someone actually said that, we feel good. So the morale is, compliment people. They will appriciate it. = )))

*btw, it's not actually new, it's just that my fringe is getting i have to kindda make the fringe go sideways. Please refer to picture if my description isn't much of an assistance.
venue: The *tut* Hotel
*Miss Lisa is promoting their membership card. I'm just accompanying my friend, but it seem like i'm the ones talking more. We're on out way to the gym.
Lisa: You join la. Bagus ni. Kalao u tak nk guna sgt pon, you boleh guna sebagai present. Boleh bagi hadiah kawin percutian free ke.
Pretty Happy: I'm not sure if the it suit my lifestyle at this age.
Lisa: Ala, you boleh beli then bagi sebagai hadiah. Ada just last week, ade seorang budak ni..24 tahun je baru..betula i cakap ni...die pon baru je 24 tahun..die beli bagi sebagai present kepada mak die. Tapi die pakai tudung la.
Pretty Happy : (snap! motive statement ko lady???) (looked at dudi and we both make weird face like she did not just say that, did she?hah).
*same as above at the * tut* hotel with Lisa. Before that she mentioned she got a warant once. We asked for what offence, she said...ala biasa2 je..tapi dh settle lah. Erm,.ok.
*we're walking in the hallway
Pretty Happy: So you dulu pramugari?
Pretty Happy: Mesti best. i dulu pun nk jadi pramugari tapi tak cukup tinggi.
Lisa: Haha. kene cuba gayut kt tiang.
Pretty Happy: berapa lama jadi pramugari?
Lisa: 5 tahun.
Pretty Happy: so dh puas la jalan2. (i tend to sound more interested about her life than the hotel)
Lisa: tu la. dh penat. dulu buat2 mcm..jahat skit. skang dh ok.
Pretty Happy: So dulu pernah pegi kena saman sampai pegi court ...u buat apa?
Lisa: Oooo..dulu i ade la mcm terlibat dgn dadah. bukan la i. kawan i la suspected. tapi sempat la duk dalam lokap satu hari. (gigles)
Pretty Happy: (snap!gotacha girl!)
*i believe she got a bit too comfy with my conversation and she overspoke herself because initially she didn't sound like she wanted to tell what she got caught for. Forgivable. Though a little bit awkward...because then people will have bad assumptions on you. And you're job is promoting! That fact is not suppose to come out!
*Anways, even if it did not. Me and my friends are still not into it, and i already know the whole membership catch. ..that's why im just accompanying my friend. And i tend to asked a lot, because i wanted to see how theyll going to persuade people to join it. How they'll going to persuade me as a hostile customer who already know the whole idea.
*Good experience.
*And the rooms in that hotel is NICE!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Since i bought the new phone, i practically have been in an over-budget situation. It has suck portions of luxury i had. I wonder how, i mean, it's not even blackberry or iphone. Okay, you what, since i'm already at it...i might just advertise. My new phone is samsung corby. Not just any corby, but corby-pro. Extra info, it has keypads and touchscreen, 3G, wifi, GPS and what not. Bliss! Thanks to the cute (i recon he's mix chinese-english sales boy) in Mid Valley, who suggested it to me.

Have i been over spending?

Or have i been over saving?
I'll say spending. On Food. People just won't believe when i say i spend a lot on food. They'll say "ala..makan berape sgt". I'm not exaggerating here, you'll be surprise if you look at my bill. That explains the pictures on my FB. They're all me with friends eating. Eat. Eat. and Eat. And yet no weight gain. I'm dissapointed. Even so, i don't mind spending huge bills on food. It's food people, it's good for you. What's to argue. Good food. Great Company. Bliss! Oh, just minutes ago, my sister talked me into buying pizzas for dinner. I hate it when she does that. You know i can't say no to food. My dad's birthday is coming up in less than two weeks. Planning to treat him at a pretty white restaurant at the Curve. Add up to another food kaching!

One Fat Burger at Chili's

Gila Tom Yam

Mak cik kuat makan tolong habiskan makanan i (lagi Gila Tom Yam)

Oh yes, i know why i've been over budget. I have been buying stuff. And by stuff i mean some designers and branded staff to add to my collection. Not always. But i make it point to at least buy once a month. Work hard. And spend hard baby!

I'm still thinking of getting that JLO handbag i saw. Hopefully it's still there next month. Hopefully it's not too, so i don't have to buy it!haha!

Though, i believe i do have to start controlling my spending as it doesnt look good. To be honest, for this month..i only have like RM80 to last till the know what. If i exceed that. I'll cross that overbudget line of mine.

Errrm, i might have to re-excess my finance to sort this matter.

Oh this weekend, i promised to meet Dla. yey! But this calls for another food date huh? One day out with a friend won't harm , and one day untuk isi borang keselamatan. Yes! I can smell productive weekend rather than sleep at home-boring-doing nothing. Bliss!

Time will fly by in an instance this week. Because tomorrow is already wednesday. I'm going for a 3 day training. Yeah! Time to socialize and meet people. I know one person who is excited. Haha. Okay la Nat, let's see if betul u kate *tut* is kindda charming. (honestly i can't wait myself.). Bliss! Oh not to mention, some hot new gossip at work. wow!

And so people.

Enjoy your days!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Adventure in Solitude

I've had to say goodbye more time than i would have liked. But Everyone can say that. And no matter how many times we do it, even when it's for the great or good. It still stinks. And though we'll never forget what we've given up. We owe it to ourself to keep moving foward. What we can't do, is live our lives always afraid of the next goodbye. Because chances are, they're not going to stop.

The trick is to recognize, when a goodbye can be a good thing. When it's a chance to start again.

About two weeks ago, i told took an undertaking, that my emotions are for mine to be sacred. I didn't like what i was seeing as i read though my previous entries. The content of it. The intention of the authur. And the consequence to specific readers.

So i did took the time off. A two weeks off.

During that period of serenity, it bought back the person i once knew. It bought ME back. A more calm and serene version of me. Content with who she was and what she had. Rather than rushing into things, i am now just happy living out my lives. Still hopeful yet positive on what the future holds for me.

In the past few weeks, some things are just a step too foward. And when you rush into something that you know deep inside according to your instict that it will not work out, you should have followed your instict. I should have followed mine. But curiousity of what might happen carries more weight. And so it happens. I won't go into details of those event that took place. I have let it go.

Letting it go to mean i refuse to look back and regret it. It has tought me a lesson. It has tought me well. It also reminded me of who i am. When you have doubts on your action, you should look back on who you are and the principles of life that you hold on to. If making an apology even for something that isn't yours to make in the first place, if that makes you feel better deep inside. Then so be it. If that gives you a sense relief that you have done your part of the story. It doesn't make you a week person. The saying "sorry seem to be hardest word" is just an ideal song they made up to sell records. There is no such thing. The hardest thing is admitting you've done a wrong. Are you brave enough to do so? Are you willing to set aside your ego and apologise. But if that isn't you. That is your choice. Guess we all live by different principle.

Though, don't apologise too often action. It kills the sorry.

It is you act, your decision, you should live by it. That's why i always say, "don't be sorry".

Two weeks doesn't seem like a long time. But that's not the point.

The objective is compose youself again. Re-evaluate the things that's happen.

Right now, everything seems to be doing alright. It isn't all falling into place. It's not suppose to be that way.

Working life ain't going so bad. There's its up and down. That's just how it is. I'm going in that direction where "work is where my heart is" or "work is my life?". I don't mind going to the office on weekends. I don't mind staying back at the office too (though that's a little difficult lately because my dad is using my car, so he comes and picks me up according to his convenient time, not mine

Friends are awesome. I love that feeling of meeting up with old friends in varsity. Everyone has changed and transformed in each different ways. But among us, we will always be that same person that we once knew. I think, that is one feeling we and i will cherish. To name a few here, the ones i manage to meet up:- Hani, Sheda, Ana, Ayu, Wani, Diana and Dudi. More meet ups coming soon. = )

At home, we are all busy with more and more wedding preparations. Just recently my niece, Faznor, got engage, she is one year older than me. Beautiful ceremony. Next on the line is my brother. And yes! I have made my baju kurung for his wedding. It's going to be a kebaya with a little twist. Hah! I cannot wait till it's done and try it on. I personally designed it. He had decided on the door gift, but i can't help but insist that i will determine the cupcakes. Cuppies are cute, happy little things that makes me happy. And it is only proper that i should be given the chance to spread that happiness (the wonders of cupcakes).

I said to a friend that i decided to stop writing for awhile because i didnt want people to know how i was feeling. I wanted my emotion for me to know alone. Well, that were the days where, i strongly believe that those emotions were unreal. Now that it's gone. I will write again. And he is going to boo me. Argh, so be it. Once a writer always a write? (hello).

I don't write to impress people. Neither to make people want to read it. I write for my personal satisfaction. But when there are readers who took the time to read it, it really does make my day better. If there are those who gets offended by it, then i'm pretty sure it's because they've done something seriously wrong. Because i'm not the type person who gets annoyed or pissed off easily. As simple as that. Why should i take the extra effort to worry about their feeling, when they don't care about others or mine. Right? Maybe that's a little too mean. Worry less about them is a better term.

For a few times, i have to start all over again at different points of my life. You'll noticed it if you read through. Said a lot of Goodbyes but said a lot of Hi's too. Life is good will all that. Don't mourne over it. Ever. Pls. When it is just not for you, then it for the best that it's gone. When it is not good to you, you should let it pass by. You deserve better than that. You can do better than that.

So certain goodbye means a step further to happiness.

Go on and say it when you have to.

So don't worry too much about your life okay. Don't stressed out too much on it. (no wonder Wani worries, i seem to be too happy).
I'm glad to be back.

**Just so it is not misinterpreted, one goodbye not worth it, is saying goodbye to your life by ending it. I'm a Realist. I believe every problem can be solved.
p/s I am grateful for two specific person who made me feel like i have really done something seriously damn right!!