Monday, May 31, 2010
Why Men Can Only Do One Thing At A Time And Why Women Can't Stop Talking.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Reasons why we do not enjoy packing.
Two - We want to bring a lot of things. For the ladies, we have variety of clothes to bring along. There's clothes for every occasion, and at the end of the trip we'll realise we don't really need that much.
Three - Try to reconcile One and Two. Headache!
Four - This probably applies only to me and my dad as we have crumple-free issue, which mean once we start to ironing out clothes, we can stand to see any crumples here and there, even a bit. I feel the need to iron every clothes that i've packed. Even if it's just the tshirt i'm going to wear to bed. And other shirts or blause or everything else, even though i know when i'm there at the hotel i will still have to iron it back. What's the point iron awal2 kan? It's a habit i cant get rid off. And it's tiring!!
Five - Once you finish the picking stuff to bring, ironing, folding, arranging... you put them all in your bag. Then suddently..wala! either too much space because you pick a too large bag OR not enough space. So you have to set aside some things, pick another bag, arrange it again. Argh! then all you're clothes is just crumpling all over due to too much folding!
That is exactly why i don't enjoy packing. It's time consuming when it shouldn't me the headache!Btw, i spend almost 2 hours just packing up like 8-10 pieces of clothes. It's so not worth time.
I'm going away for 3 days.
I can see Beaches!! Yeehaaa!!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
People you have blocked will not be able to interact with you on Facebook. Any Facebook friendships or relationships you currently have with that person will be broken. Note that blocking someone may not prevent all communications and interactions in applications, and does not extend to elsewhere on the Internet.
I accidentally pressed the block button on my fb on a certain someone. i did not intent to. i just wanted to try out and see what happen. So fine, coindentally i picked him! lucky shot i guess. or not. It turns out that once you blocked a person who is a friend on your fb, you will automatically delete that person from your fb.
Any Facebook friendships or relationships you currently have with that person will be broken.---> i read this, but i thought it meant when the person IS ON your block list. So when you decide to no longer block that person, we'll still be friends.
Oh well. Learn something new and valuable there. Sorry though. Not that it matter if we're still on each other fb anyways right.?
Huh. That's what happens when i ran out of things to do.
Tik Tok.
I still can't get over that last image of George.When Meredith said those words above with the sad music playing in the background. It gives me the chill. It's painfully sad. But turns out, on season 6 Izzie did not died. But George did. It still doesn't cure the sadness.
The thing about these tv series, you get attached to the character. As much as you like the orginal character, they're gonna come and go. So deal with it! (reminding myself of course)
Desperate calls for desperate measures. Desperate calls are for desperate people.
You know, i can give this guy a high five for making bold moves. No, not the guy in that picture. Someone else lah. Very curageous of him. But don't you think there's a point when too many bold moves is a little desperate? And when you're not getting any feedback, I think it's time you take a step back.
Bold is cool! But desperate is not. It's a turn off.
Don't make yourself too available okay. It kills the thrill.
That's one. Another one is....This is a little bit sensitive.I'm just wondering what's the rush seriously to start a family when you don't even have a relationship yet? and what's with telling everyone about it? (bearing in mind that these ppl ain't that old yet)
I stayed home this whole weekend. Bored to death. Other than my friends are all not available this week, i'm trying to save here.
I had breakfast and shagrila hotel with my family celebrating daddy's birthday! Happy Birthday Daddy!
Semoga panjang umur dan sihat selalu!
Tak lama lagi dapat kereta baru!
Oh i'm not looking foward to a particular day next week.
But I'm still counting days for many events. There's Penang, there's winter sonata, there's a wedding, though there is one day next week that i am not looking foward to. Haih. Just get through it.
Till then...
signing off!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Oh God!! No!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Public Affairs.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Daddy: Ayah ada berita baik. Ayah ade berita baik.
Pretty Happy: Apa? (looks at my mum for answer, and asked again) Mummy..apa? (looks at Najla) Apa..tahu ke?
*daddy is still repeating "ayah ada berita baik".
Najla: Tak tahu...
Mummy: Tanya lah sendiri .
*daddy is still repeating "ayah ada berita baik".
Pretty Happy: Kaklong mengandung eh!?
Mummy & Najla: (they out on a face)..and goes what?
Daddy : Ayah dapat tender baru dengan TM lah.
Ladies: Ooooo
Mummy & Najla : Laughed at my answer!
*lift opens. saw a familiar face.
Pretty Happy: Hai Encik Hafiz! (he's going out, im going in)
En.Hafiz: Ey Hai! Suka rambut baru u. Lawa rambut depan baru u.
Pretty Happy: Ehehehe (cheh, malu2 pulak nk mengaku kan,haha)
Natrah: Eh, die kenal u?
Pretty Happy: ha'ah
*that compliment actually light up my day. I already knew my new hair is pretty cool sbb ramai org tegur. HAHA. Damn. perasan siot! Xda la,,but when someone actually said that, we feel good. So the morale is, compliment people. They will appriciate it. = )))
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

One Fat Burger at Chili's
Gila Tom Yam
Mak cik kuat makan tolong habiskan makanan i (lagi Gila Tom Yam)
Oh yes, i know why i've been over budget. I have been buying stuff. And by stuff i mean some designers and branded staff to add to my collection. Not always. But i make it point to at least buy once a month. Work hard. And spend hard baby!
Errrm, i might have to re-excess my finance to sort this matter.
Oh this weekend, i promised to meet Dla. yey! But this calls for another food date huh? One day out with a friend won't harm , and one day untuk isi borang keselamatan. Yes! I can smell productive weekend rather than sleep at home-boring-doing nothing. Bliss!
Time will fly by in an instance this week. Because tomorrow is already wednesday. I'm going for a 3 day training. Yeah! Time to socialize and meet people. I know one person who is excited. Haha. Okay la Nat, let's see if betul u kate *tut* is kindda charming. (honestly i can't wait myself.). Bliss! Oh not to mention, some hot new gossip at work. wow!
And so people.
Enjoy your days!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Adventure in Solitude
During that period of serenity, it bought back the person i once knew. It bought ME back. A more calm and serene version of me. Content with who she was and what she had. Rather than rushing into things, i am now just happy living out my lives. Still hopeful yet positive on what the future holds for me.