Since i bought the new phone, i practically have been in an over-budget situation. It has suck portions of luxury i had. I wonder how, i mean, it's not even blackberry or iphone. Okay, you what, since i'm already at it...i might just advertise. My new phone is samsung corby. Not just any corby, but corby-pro. Extra info, it has keypads and touchscreen, 3G, wifi, GPS and what not. Bliss! Thanks to the cute (i recon he's mix chinese-english sales boy) in Mid Valley, who suggested it to me.

Have i been over spending?
Or have i been over saving?
I'll say spending. On Food. People just won't believe when i say i spend a lot on food. They'll say "ala..makan berape sgt". I'm not exaggerating here, you'll be surprise if you look at my bill. That explains the pictures on my FB. They're all me with friends eating. Eat. Eat. and Eat. And yet no weight gain. I'm dissapointed. Even so, i don't mind spending huge bills on food. It's food people, it's good for you. What's to argue. Good food. Great Company. Bliss! Oh, just minutes ago, my sister talked me into buying pizzas for dinner. I hate it when she does that. You know i can't say no to food. My dad's birthday is coming up in less than two weeks. Planning to treat him at a pretty white restaurant at the Curve. Add up to another food kaching!
One Fat Burger at Chili's
Gila Tom Yam
Mak cik kuat makan tolong habiskan makanan i (lagi Gila Tom Yam)
Oh yes, i know why i've been over budget. I have been buying stuff. And by stuff i mean some designers and branded staff to add to my collection. Not always. But i make it point to at least buy once a month. Work hard. And spend hard baby!
I'm still thinking of getting that JLO handbag i saw. Hopefully it's still there next month. Hopefully it's not too, so i don't have to buy it!haha!
Though, i believe i do have to start controlling my spending as it doesnt look good. To be honest, for this month..i only have like RM80 to last till the know what. If i exceed that. I'll cross that overbudget line of mine.
Errrm, i might have to re-excess my finance to sort this matter.
Oh this weekend, i promised to meet Dla. yey! But this calls for another food date huh? One day out with a friend won't harm , and one day untuk isi borang keselamatan. Yes! I can smell productive weekend rather than sleep at home-boring-doing nothing. Bliss!
Time will fly by in an instance this week. Because tomorrow is already wednesday. I'm going for a 3 day training. Yeah! Time to socialize and meet people. I know one person who is excited. Haha. Okay la Nat, let's see if betul u kate *tut* is kindda charming. (honestly i can't wait myself.). Bliss! Oh not to mention, some hot new gossip at work. wow!
And so people.
Enjoy your days!
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