Saturday, May 22, 2010

Oh God!! No!

Oh God! That's so sad! After not watching it for some time now, suddently the story changed so drastically!I thought it had become lame with the same old Meredith-Derek tarik tali punye drama.But no!Have you watch the season 5 finale of Grey's Anatomy? Izzie is dead! You know i dont really like izzie in the begining of GA but as the story moved on, i feel for her! She has a string on guys who played with her feeling but everything changed for her when she falls for this Danny guy, they were about to get married, and he was about to die, and she got involved in this unethical procedure she did to save Danny, and Danny died on the day she was about to see him with her beautiful dress on! Then she couldn't forget Danny! Then i kindda got lost because i didnt watch GA anymore...but whatever.....and i skip skip skip...fasfoward to season finale because everyone was posting izzie is dead on fb!! I watched it, and it was sad!! And it even sobber when she saw O'mally in the end in her mind right as she was about to die. She had always loved O'malley! They were best friends with benefit! And O'malley just got into a terrible accident! I hope he doesn't die because GA has lost enough original characther! But if he made it, it's still sad because then he'll realize izzie isn't there anymore!

Somebody lent me season 4 and 5 of GA right now!! if that's too time cosuming to download and buy (defintly not out yet), cheaper way is to go Jakarta and buy it! (heh. i'm not saying i've done it before. but you know they do sell there out in the open. freaaakiiiinngggg cheeaaappp!!!!)

I'm still shocked and overwhelmed after watching that video of GA on youtube.

Oh izzie steven. rest in peace! If you watched from the very beginging of GA, you'll noticed...all izzie wanted was to find the person to spend the rest of her life. All she wanted was to get married with that one person.

Katherine Heigh- good job! (though my favoruite characther is still christina!)

Oh, here's the video;-

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