Thursday, May 26, 2011

My best friends wedding.

Once again, it is that time of the year where we will be showered by wedding invitations. I have to apologise to some of my friends for not being able to make it to their wedding as i was torn between many invites.

To my ex-roomate, Hans - Selamat Pengantin Baru! Sorry could not make it to your wedding. You looked really beautiful with the white gown, you always were pretty. Remember when you, me, Dd and Dhura were roomates and we would make fun about who were going to get married first? Didn't think it would be you, would we? = )

To another one my my ex-roomate and good friend- Fiza - Selamat Pangantin Baru to you too! I'm really happy for you. You found your happy ending at last after that last sturggle and experience which you, nor any other girl deserve. As always, you looked really pretty. = )

This week, i will be attending another one of my good friend's wedding. Honestly, i love wedding and attending those to whom i know because it made be feel that there is still something good and right happening in this world. I think i share their happiness of their very own happy ending.

Mine, yet to to come true.

p/s pictures will be updated later.

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