Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bitter Sweet

There's a feeling which puts on a cloudy sky but you indulge into it because behind that darkness was a beautiful lines of colors that once lights up the blue sky.

No, its not the World Cup frustration.

Although i am frustrated that Japan just lost to a panelty kick to Paraguay. Both team wasn't convincing but i'd say Japan played better than Paraguay on that match. If it wasn't for the panelty, Japan deserve to win. On the bright side, Paraguay for sure is going down against either Spain/Portugal. So start folding your clothes and book a ticket home. = P

And i've decided to watch the 230 match this morning against Spain v Portugal. It's just too good to be missed!

Back to the quotation above, I'm so thankful that today work at the office kept me busy. Yesterday night and this morning was a painful one. Emotionally. I was considering going back early and maybe keep myself busy at home with i don't know what (which worries me), but then later in the evening things at the office was getting real busy that i even went home late. Time just passes by without thinking about it and when i got home today, i'm just over it. So this was good. Thank you work!

You know, there's certain event in life that takes place where you just can't permanently erase it from your memory. You can pretend like it never happen, but who are you trying to kidd here? You can't lie to youself. There's a part where it's sober when the thought crosses my mind, but i don't want to forget it because it was a beautiful memory. 

I believe, why should you ever erase a memory that once bought happiness to you.  It might not be the same now, but back then you were happy, weren't you? So let's not forget that.

Anyways..its another 30 minutes to go till 230am.The first thing i am going to do in the morning at the office tomorrow is drink lots of coffee.

I will be a walking zombie.

Who do think is going to win the WC?

* Nothing is free these days, except the advert on my blog which i've notice certain brand decided to advertise themself freely. Hello, me! pls? = D

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