I am soon to be 1/4 of a decade years old.
I am a law graduate with a professional career.
But, i still have curfew.
And, i am terrified of my dad.
In general, SOP of my curfew goes somewhat like this..
- You can't be possibly be gone for one whole day. [Basically if you're out in the morning, you'd better be home by evening, and by evening i mean before 7 (before maghrib). Because my dad calculates your activity, like eating requires maybe 40 minutes, window shopping maybe an hour, according to his amount of time on certain activity. So he doesnt get eating plus chit chatting plus gossiping plus catching up that sometimes tantamounts to 2 hours. Windows shopping that requires visit to every possible outlets which takes hours and sometimes still end with nothing. Lunch plus teatime period. Not to mention movie. So NO, you can't be gone the whole day. It is not possible.
- Out at night is not an option. Night time for him is the time where you HAVE to be inside the house. Doesn't matter whether you are going somewhere near like 5 minutes away from house or just out to the mamaks, unless you have a VALID LOGIC REASONABLE reason why out of the 48 hours during the day, you have to choose night.
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In my case, there's no prince charming... |
If you choose to not abide by these rules, prepare to have at least an hour of pep talk on the danger of this and that when you come back and/ or a warning the next time you go out. Oh ya, before that happens, also prepare to recieve constant messages and calls from him.
Occasionally, i live by these rules. Seriously kdg2 malu juga dgn kawan2 bila diorg tanya yana ko kena balik kol bapa? What am i suppose to say? i have curfew?? To some of my friends that understands slash already know my situation,..it's fine. Cuma kdg2 rasa mcm masih kiddo. = P
Well, today, i went out late with a friend to kl, drove out of Putrajaya around 3.30 pm and so what do you expect, right? arrive home before 10 pm. Techinically, i broke all those rules. I did get the messages and text which goes like this "Bila nak balik?". But surprisingly today, i did not get scolded or investigated with questions when i got home. HAHA. Fuh! Tak sia2 pecut 120km+ nk sampai rumah cepat.
Well there...isn't this the best first day already?
Plus someone blogged about me today. I'm blushed. Thanks.
i feel u babe ;)
u do? it's different with guys tho..
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