Saturday, December 26, 2009
Holidays makes us miss the people that we love.
It's so ironic how at times when i'm feeling this way, I get many happy news from the people around me. My brother is getting engage tomorrow. How excited right? Only that i know, the next possible question that everyone is going to ask me is when will be mine's? I usually couldn't care less about it when people asked me, but since i just had my heart broken, Oh god, i would love to just slap anyone who ask me that starting tomorrow. And i just saw a status on my FB, a friend of mine who just got engaged! Not really a surprise because the couple..well, i donno but people just know that they are going to do it (as in tie the knot or going in that direction). With all the happy feedbacks i read, i too would be happy for them. Only that, i just feel so sad and i could cry at just any moment while writing this, thinking how much i miss a certain person. I really do. Okay, i'm crying now. And all these holidays, just reminds me even more. Isn't it weird sometimes i just want to wish him merry xmas or happy holidays as friend-to-friend basis, but it's just not possible anymore. It's not possible for any relationship at any level anymore. Oh ya, forgot to mention my schoolmate, arip is getting engaged too tomorrow. Congrats!Both my bro and arip. Will post pictures in my FB!
Did i mention that people at my office are setting me up with a guy/guys.Me- not into it. And so is me sister, they're trying to set me up with the neighbour's son who btw, is cute i admit and has a very good financial prospect which is a very good quality we all look for. Me-not into it either.
Who would have thought it would bring such misery.
Sunday, December 20, 2009

I like the story line because it wasn't too dull. It was exciting because there were so many flying scenes and as i was watching it, it made me think of roller coaster ( what is up with me and roller coaster!). The digital effect for me is impressive. It made me forget that i'm actually watching a 3D. It feels so real! Awesome huh.
practically laughed real hard because some of the scene was freaky and weird that i find it really funny. For example, this one scene where they were praying at that Eywa (is that what its call?) tree because Grace was dying. The whole dancing was really weird, and i thought they were about to do like a R&B choir or something (like Hallelujah!) Woo. Another part when they were making out, omg that was weird also, and almost disgusting. They did it in the jungle?in the open?
But all and all, i can give it 4/5. Not bad at all. 3 hours. Front seat. Worth it!
Monday, November 30, 2009
One Malaysian.
I should check back on my origins. Think my mum has some mix chinese blood SOMEWHERE. Since i really get that these remarks often, sometimes i dont bother standing up for it. I just go with the flow. Puan from Sabah? Yes i am.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Someone said being *tut* mcm Paris Hilton
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Don't Regret A Thing.
When there's PD, there's a beach. I'm not a fan of swimming in the beach or the pool. I stopped when i came back from overseas because i didn't like the idea of swimming without wearing a proper swimming suit. And to wear one at this age, oh god. I'll passed. I feel like i'm to old already to be dressing like that. But i always makes sure i hit the beach. just walking along the coast, with my feet on the sand, and breath of air. The many people enjoying themselves, eating ice cream. I like that atmosphere.
The beach also signifies a new beginning for me. Its that time where you feel like the there is nothing in your head to worry about. It's such a soothing feeling whenever i'm at the beach. It's perfect for me to be there at the right time. I finally get the answer to one situation that have had been lingering in my mind. I use to hope that thing would get back to normal, or regrets everything that have ever happen. Regret that i ever met a person and the way things turns out. But i'm not going to do that anymore.
I never believed it regrets anyway. I believed that you make a decision, stick by it, and live it. Everything that happens, happens for a reason. That i do believe. There is bright side behind every shadow. Imagine if you did not ever met the person, the you're life (of to be exact, my life) would not have been excited as it was. Because i was happy when i know the person.
If they turns out to be painful and hurtful. Then, it's okay. It doesn't make you a bad person. It might hurt a while, but soon it'll be okay. It'll take times, and sometimes, you feel really shallow thinking about someone that's not worth it. I look it this way. I think it's only normal to feel such loss and lonely. It means that you have feeling. You're a perfectly human being with feeling, that is to your advantage.
The world is still full with good and wonderful people all eager to met us. Don't let bad experiences stopped you from enjoying what life has to offer. There are bad people, there are nice people. There are also those that have both. Let them be. Just believe in yourself and believe in what you're doing is right. Never hit them back or do what people have done to you to someone else, because you want others to feel the pain that you did. Because karma might just hit you and then you'll know where you stand.
I'm writing this to clear my mind off things.
I thank you for the memories.
You are, unless all these while you weren't the person i thought you were, one of the most amazing and intelligent person I have ever met.
Being friends with you was great.
It was beautiful, but its over.
When i was at the hotel i watched one of the episodes from Ugly Betty, where she broke up with Gio and they saw each other again when Gio came back from a trip. And Gio said, after the trip and he realise something, and said "I finally realise that...i hate you. You're not a nice person. I'm banning you from my life. And betty replied, "you can't hate me. I am a very nice person. You can't banned me from your life, because we're friends".
Okay, so i don't hate anyone..i just want to highlight the point of banning a person. No literally don't hate anyone, at least not yet. But yes, i do banned certain people from my life. It's not a way to express anger. It's a way to forget an experience.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I hate packing!
so much to bring (want to bring) with limited space!
Leaving for three days!
I want OUT
- ya, promise you'll let me know your last day here tao!!
I'm doing okay btw. Except now i'm beginning to notice how some people are damn emotionless. They dont give a damn about others. They are also hypocrite. They say this and that, and then wala, they're the ones doing it. god, you people are immpossible. Are you trying to make an impression and make people think that you're very nice and sensible? What? Do you think we're stupid? HELLO.can see right through you're bloody words and reactions! I prefer that you just be bold and nasty and be who you are, which is, admit it you're a freaking nasty human being without feeling. You know that is better than pretending to be somebody you're not, at least people don't feel obnoxious when they're looking at you.
I always remind myself that whenever i feel really moody and feels like screaming at everyone around me, that maybe i'm on period (or going to be soon). But no, this i am not.
Another thing, why are there so many lesbians on fb? or is it just me getting they're friend request and they viewing me? Totally freaking me out. No offence. But do i look like a lesbian? Look, my love life is pretty sucking right now, but that doesn't mean i don't like boys. I don't think i'll jump to that other side. No thank you. But another no, no for me, is also those friend request and messages kate nk berkenalan..dude, gimme a break. A real turn off for me. I'm done meeting and knowing guys through this via net. If you want me, come and get me (aah, that's a quote form LOTR.haha)...just to say, i prefer seeing you in person, because then i can judge you from on forth.
Hah. Enough said.
Tweet Love!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I broke my promise. So what.
This one is Paris Hilton. The smell is not very fruity, not my ordinary type of smell that i go for. But it's nice.
This is my favourite brand, Anna sui. This one that i previously used is secret wish. Very nice smell, for those who like strong fruity smell. The bottle is very cute right? Anna sui has a number of perfume that i like, another one is on the beach, but it's a limited edition, not many department store has it.
Honestly, i get really confused when i buy perfumes because i don't know how they categorized the smell. So the sales person always ask me "Miss, which one are you looking for.Do you like fruit?or strong ones? All i can say back is, what do you have? Then they start spraying me all the perfumes until everything just smells the same.Haha.So what i do now is that i go to a specific brand, and start choosing from there. And one more thing, always ask for free gift! You'll be amazed of what you can get. = )
Tomorrow is Monday. Yey!
Start your day smelling good okay peps!
Gonna go eat mee kari mum made petang tadi. Ade lagi baki tinggal.Sedapnye makan mee kari mama walau pun tinggal saki baki jee!! = )
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Cash Flow.

Thursday, November 5, 2009
twit twit twit twit
And it's amazing who i found on twitter!
paris hilton!britney spears!and of course khloe kardashian (hearts).
and also our PM is on!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Dream marathon. It happens?
So i was anticipating these few weeks getting a cat...had asked around...some deals turns down. Some ain't responding. hah! It's complicated getting cat. Could it be because i don't want just any cat. I want a really cute cat, at least mix persian, and i prefer a grey one. Because they look really cute in grey, and by the way, i already (i mean, i had) a white and yellow ones before, so I wanted a different cat.
It didn't bothers me that i wasn't getting through any dealing of cat with the seller. Well, only the fact that it was on my mind the whole time.
But why would i dream of a cat that had its claws on me really deep every time i try to touch it. You know how dreams just seem so real,,,sometime you can also feel it (think you feel it). When i dreamt of it last night, think i almost scream in pain. The freaking cat (i don't know if it was my cat, or someone else's cat that i was holding,,but i'm damn sure its a cat!) had it claws on my me!it went right into my skin, and i can almost imagine how it hurts. what is that!a sign?a sign that i should not get a cat?that's absurd,,so what if it's gonna cost me some cold hard cash maintaining and taking care of it. I can do it. I have the resources now. That's was really scary though..i love cats but i sure don;t want it's claws on me. And when i have one, i sure don;t want to cut their claws,,they need it. Poor kitten without claws.
I cannot relate to this one. Was getting in a roller coaster, with my sister (Najla). And they forgot to put on our seat belt. What??it was awfully scary when the rollercoaster started to move, didnt know why i didn't get off. Argh!enough with this non-sense dream. Next.
How about this one. Still at the same night.
I'm not sure where i was,,but it looks like somewhere in Europe, Paris maybe. haha. It was also weirder that i was in some sort of vacation or holiday only with my younger sister with me?aiyaya..why would she be there?don't have a clue. And i have a slight feeling like that the get-away was actually kept secret from my parents. Even weirder. I didn't do anything wrong lately that i wouldn't want my parents to know.mmm.. now the real drama. Somehow i find my self in an Indian kedai mamak lah. But i was with my family. And there was a brake dance happening there. WTH!!The brake dance was very bizarre really. I don't even know how to say it. The mamak was brake dancing and everyone seemed to be amused by it. And was it my dad?He went and joined it?This is really crazy! Next, i find myself in a lift,,,getting back from the mamak stall and to my hotel. Now alone. And a cute guy came into the lift. Somehow i just knew that he was from the opposite hotel. Oh i forgot to tell, that before i enter into the lift, there was couple dressed in somewhat i dont't remember costume, because its halloween. And they asked me, so what part are you playing. And i was only wearing jeans, cardigans...and spare you guys the details of i am ONLY wearing. Getting back to the cute guy in the lift with me,,,hahaha...omg i don't know what kind of singal this is conveying. Can i say the rest is history,,as if you all know what happen between us.
What i can say out of these dreams that i had in one night is that, it was a tiring week. And my mind needed a break...Oh..just remembered that i wanted to go for a late night movie, but don't think my mum would allow me to. So there you have it. My movie. As i have always been saying before, most of my dreams don't make sense. It's just random thoughts that turns into a dramatic crazy WTH dreams. Hidden message maybe? mm...maybe...don't wanna think to hard about it.
= )
Sunday, October 25, 2009
You're acting like a jealous girlfriend
That is what a friend of mine, a guy told me when i told him 'the story'.
The story that it sometimes annoys me when this person whom i don't know what kind of relationship were're actually having...sometimes can just go off into silent whenever he feels like it, and the shows up whenever he feels he wants to...and he perfectly have a reasonble good reason to do so. Like example for once, i asked him why he didn't reply my text that morning and he answered because he was in the training class and he was sitting right in front. What am i suppose to say?It's a good reason!And once again what right do i have to asked him anything, when there is nothing officially going on between us.Yeah...the story goes on and on...and my friend said i should take is easy and slow down, because i'm acting like a jealous girlfriend when i'm not his gf. Ouch!
Try listening to this song by Brandy- Have you ever and appriciate the lyrics. It's almost sad and something which i relate to. Imagine that you like and care for someone so much, only that the other person does not feel the same way, or at least not show it. Ouch again!
Have you ever loved somebody so much
It makes you cry?
Have you ever needed something so bad
You can't sleep at night?
Have you ever tried to find the words
But they don't come out right?
Have you ever?
Have you ever?
Have you ever been in love
Been in love so bad
You'd do anything
To make them understand?
Have you ever had someone
Steal your heart away?
You'd give anything
To make them feel the same?
Have you ever searched for words
To get you in their heart
But you don't know what to say
And you don't know where to start?
(Repeat chorus)
Have you ever found the one
You've dreamed of all your life?
You'd do just about anything
To look into their eyes?
Have you fin'ly found the one
You've given your heart to
Only to find that one
Won't give their heart to you?
Have you ever closed your eyes and
Dreamed that they were there
And all you can do is wait
For that day when they will care?
(Repeat chorus)
What do I gotta do to get you in my arms, baby?
What do I gotta say to get to your heart
To make you understand
How I need you next to me?
Gotta get you in my world
'Cause, baby, I can't sleep
(Repeat chorus twice)
Have you ever?
This is one of my all time favourite song. And my justification for so-called acting like a jealous girlfriend. I Am not. I just feel that you can't just disspaear from me and act like i dont exist, and suddently show up just because i am there. I want to be there. Maybe it's too early. Or maybe it's a sign that its not meant to be. I'm torn. = (
I'm sorry, i don't like writing all this emotional thing. But i can't help it. These days, it is one of major problems and dilemmas.sighs to that.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Silence means troubles.
That's me.
Been dissapearing from my online world. Well,,one reason is because my laptop is damned messed up. Second reason, i thought its because all those little thoughs that's troubling me are just the normal effects of a girl trying to make in the real world feeling. But turns up as i am beginning to realise, its getting under my skin. It came to the point where i asked myself "have i made the wrong decision". Not a very good sign is it. Also considering, maybe i should quit and start what i have always wanted to do in the first place.
At the next page of my life come that relationship with friends and people we care about. With my sister being married now, it sometimes feel like ai'm losing a sister. I know i'm not losing her, she is still my sister for goodness sake. but lets face it. Its gonna be different and its something i have to get used to. Be alright eventually. And me with this person, i donno where the relationship is heading. Some nights ago i was upset over something we said. And i used "we" because it's just not his or my fault. Its just the situation. The situation that in his world nobody knows i exist. But whose to blame? And what rights do i have to blame him for that. Because me and him. We're actually nothing.
And that is it.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Gone too soon, my dear friend CT Zubaidah.
2 days before Raya, i and the rest of the people who knew her was shocked to get the news that our beloved friend CT Zubaidah Zainal Abidin had passed away. I recieved the call from a friend at about 7.00, i couldn't not believe the news. But the reality is she had left us. She died in a tragic car accident in Sabak Bernam. I pray and hope that she rest in peace and ditempatkan dikalangan orang yang beriman.
Dear CT,
I fell your absence already. We were in the same class during L.L.B...i still have a lot of your pictures with me and when i go through it, its almost hard to believe that you are no longer around, when i had just spoken to you on the phone just days before the accident. We grew closer when we both reported duty at the AG, didn't we? I still remember you slept over at my house during the training at Ilkap, all still fresh in my memory.
I will always remember you as the girl with a lot of spirit. Always smiling and cheerful. You will remain in my memory as that happy girl with a strong spirit. All that you've gone through during your studies, i saw you cried, you cheered and you being angry. All those emotion of you still so real to me.
To my late beloved friend...i pray that your life diberkati Allah s.w.t. May you rest in peace and ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman. To her family, my condolences goes out to them, i cannot imagine how they are going through. Be strong. To all of us that knew her, Al- Fatihah to her. Be strong too.
This raya and the rest of the days.
Be safe people.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfirtri
Saturday, August 22, 2009
A story too late.
The advisory training was just like any other training, where the first partwas just listening to talks and the second part was the practical part....only to find out later that someone who i thought was not coming to that training suddently showed up...which is like awkward for me when i see him because i didnt know how to actually response to him. Well, you see it's because the last time we saw each other, the situation was kindda like hanging. Things did not resolved, and it got to the point that we both we were avoiding each other.And if there were any chances that we were going to get bumped into each other, of yeah, we will not take that chances.
I guess its a good thing that we bumped into each other that day because sooner or later since we're in the same service, we are going to need each other. But its awkward!so okay, first we just bumped into each other and so we exchange smile.Thats fine with me.Totally cool and safe as we didnt have to talk.Then there is a second time, where he got kindda lost and i guess i'm the only one there who he can ask.So basically...can i say its like we were forced to talk?The conversation there wasn't so bad, its just like normal..though i can't remember if i actually look at him when i talk to him.Dragging it to the next day, i CANNOT barely look at him. I'm sorry. It is not his fault or anybody's for that reason. I donno if it is just me...i think it is just me!
Anyways...then i told my friend about it. And she told her friend who goes by the same as me and were in the same class when the situation with me-n-this-guy started. Then, there was a story.
She said that during that time, the guy texted her to say like wanna to get to know her and we sat at the same table last night...something like that.And she felt weird because she did not know who the guy was nor has ever sat at the same table with her. So she sorta replied back to him saying that maybe he got misktaken because there is two person who goes by the same name in her class ak.a in mine's too. you know where this is going?So i assume that maybe he wanted to text me? point is, i'm so touched by that story. I'm not the famous girl at school who got guys chasing me in and out. So when something like happens, it's just touching that someone actually make that effort to ask for my number to get to know me. Should i get that text, maybe things would be different. I really appriciate things that he did during that time...just that during that time, i didn't know what i wanted and i just got out of a nasty r/ship with my so-called-ex-bf.
I hope sometime in the future, the awkwardness would dissappear. it is unintentionally and i'm really sorry if i made him uncomfortable during that period or at the training (if)- if could be just me.haha.
My say is...people, "appriciate the moments and the little things that people do for you" = )
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Patient my friend.
Last week there was a blood test at my office, and after 23 years of being alive, i finally found that my blood type is B+! And i got a question, can ones blood type change?Because one of the senior lawyer there said he was B+ when he last tested, then suddently on that day they found that he was blood type O.
Is it wrong to be jealous?
My answer is NO, its not. Isn't that a good sign that means that when we are jealous, we want to get better than that person, we have the rush to improve ourself. We have a mission to be accomplish! But okay,,,this jealousy will depends on the subject matter. So i am a bit jealous of my friend, because she seem to be advancing more than me in terms of work...which is good thing for her. Dont get me wrong, she got a good thing going for her. It's just that i wish i was advancing like her or even better. Gosh, i donno, maybe he's right,,i just have to be patient. I guess eventually i will get it, so i just have to be a bit patient and be positive about it.
Talking about positivity. Some nature of work arekilling me.
1. Advisory.
Reason: Because to get started i have to know the law, and trust me, there are laws & regulations that i've never come across before nor was ever thought in law school. So what do you do, go to the library and get the real documents...that isnt so bad, only that there is only two photocopy machine, so you got to wait for your turn, and just wasted some precious amount of time. Now that the law is with you, READ it!The ones i got was something to do with RELA and Civil Defence..thank god they were only like 3/4 pages. Then comes the toughest part, because once i started reading it, its like...yaaaawwwnnn!!and i have to force myself to read it, read it,,,and i started to get real fed up because it was just making me sleepy, CLOSE it..and move on to other things. Then, sometimes during the week you open it up again and finally get the hang of it, but after consultation, you realise there's more issues!So, more reading, more consultations and then the part where i'm starting to like it,,,giving advice, though i start to wonder...betul ke ape aku buat ni?And that is why you have to consult your boss for approval.Hehe..
2. Vet a contract(s)
Oohooo...this is like so much fun (complete opposite). Have to read the whole documents which basically all of them says pretty much the same thing...and as i flip through the pages of each contracts, i realise that i no longer understands what i'm reading, but are just reading words which makes no sense to me....and so i stopped! Gatherred all my strength again!hah! and started reading it again. Its a process of suffering which requires a huge amount of patients. And when its finally done. I dont even want to look at it again. what's done is done! Get it out of my sight!
The whole week was ups and downs, there was a day when everything was going so wrong...there was also a moment that i was so pissed at something which eventually when i face it, it was actually nothing to get so upset about.huh.But it ended well. So i'm glad everything was solved.
I dont know how to end this..but i'm tired now.
Next posting coming very soon bout my next mission to adopt kittens!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Thought of the day.
Over what happen today at got me thinking this
- What are we? - refering to my r/ship with me and him.
- Will that affect me? - this was over something that happen at work today.
- What will happen tomorrow? - also over something at work, with my boss, wonder how will he react.
When i got home and think about it, i think to myself...Ah..what the heck la..if it was me, i won't give a damn (but then again, not all people are like me). But still, if it will, then you know what, so what...i can make it somewhere else.
*i do think i am making a big deal out of this, but we'll see how it turns our for now, my advice to myself is
Saturday, July 25, 2009
First Week @ Work...
I finally realise..well i mean i know it how its gonna be before, i anticipated it..but now, i am finally experience it:That working life is more than just what u've learn in school people!
Started with going to meeting alone at a meeting which i have no idea, and was suddently assigned to go to it ALONE.the meeting :pengurusan kewangan.sighs~The food they served at meetings are amazingly good!kalo mcm ni,boleh la sll pegi.haha!
The workloads that i got...oh my...i didnt know how to even get started.I had to this memo to different agencies and letters. Took some time to figure out what i had to go. Took a lot of asking around from my bosses and the staff there. Finally manage to get some done! And currently now i'm a little stuck with doing this representasi thing...have to do two of these. I have one done, going to show it on monday next week and hope it gets approved!
The highlight of the week is defintly getting this case from my boss!I was eager to get everything done by friday so that i can get started on it, but unforntly ade satu lagi keje yg xsiap.Anyways,We (nyda &me) helped him to get the record rayuan at POJ on wednesday, and he asked us to help him on it!So i am currently reading the 2 volumn record rayuan which is as thick as buku MP Jain..on weekends!haha..guess nothing much has changed since llb..weekends also kene buat keje seh!
That's it for the first week...i got my own room now,and the people at my workplace is super nice. I really feel comfortable there. My bossess are very supportive, and so are the senior lawyers there and the staff as well.Hope to learn as much and as fast as i can here.
With all the chaos of getting used to work life and all..i'm sure so are my friends at HQ and at other agencies.And my close friend Ida got a news that she has to go work in Terengganu.So sad she's leaving!we were just making plans about going to see each other for berbuka nnt.oh well..that life...hope she'll be fine there.Lots love Ida!!!I miss ya!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The two weeks training.
So i just finished my two weeks training at ilkap in bangi. It a training to new DPP's. Erm,, do i summarize it..
The first week was kindda boring..because they basically just tought what we've already learn in class BUT i have to say its very useful indeed. Its a recap of what i've mostly learn in L.L.B....the difference is they just made the 1 year lecture into 2 hours!haha.
The second week was however very tough. We had 4 sessions of mock trial...and omg i was chosen to lead the murder trial which was the first trial!huh!very stressful at first...but i said to myself that this is all good for me.This is an experience which will benefit me in the long i should just do the best i can out of it.And if i think that this i hard and tough to handle...well.. this is just the begining.
The mock trial was very much different to what we had in class before. Although i have to say that the mock trial in UiTM with Mr. Rajes was so-real...this one is very-real!They even called the real expert like the chemist&pathologist for the trial.Tough but all good for the learning process. They and I made lots / some mistake..but there really is nothing to be ashame of.We are all still learning and we learn from them. I enjoyed pretty much the whole trial of the week. There were also some scary moments..expecially ppl in the training know who right...stepped in.Gosh..that was really scary.More than anything i ever experience. It reminds me of rollercoasters.You know where the part that the rollercoaster is at its peak and waiting to go down....and in my head when i'm there...i'm thinking...i want to get out of here...but its too late, bcos i'm already in it.That how it is.hahaha.
The two weeks training is such a short time but i feel so attached to the people there.I felt like we were like a team...And my friends in UiTM that were there..i get to know them even more when i'm there.And its such a blessing. I am a person that cherish moments when i get to know people whom before i never knew personally. When i stayed at the hostel in ilkap, i was roomates with Kak Nai. We were in the lecture class during L.L.B, but i dont think i have ever spoken to her until we were at this training together. And i think she is such a great person!I will miss her truly.I hope you'll do well there in Johor.Be strong and good luck kak.nai!lotsa love!Not forgetting all my other friends there...Nik,Tirah,Mira,Ida,Nite,Fad,Akmal, Ghazali, Ct, Ya etc,,..i will miss you all!Please stay in touch and dont forget me!On Monday we will go our seperate ways..and I wish each and everyone of us good luck!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Officially employed.
Today is my second day at work...i reported duty to the AGC yesterday.I am now officially employed.No longer jobless!Do i need to say what's my post?no need laah kan..i guess eventually you'll find our if you keep reading.
I'm tired. All i can think of is what i'm gonna wear tomorrow and sleeping.
I'm gonna have to do some reading too..sorta like unpacked my CPC lecturer notes. Just to recap a few things for training next week.
Working life-here i come! (does that sounds cliche?...aah..that's jsut how it is.haha)
From yesterday..i am going to be different person for good.we'll see the transformaton won't we?
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Singapore on Sale!
For more pictures,i think its better to view my facebook.i've uploaded it there. Anyway, i'm going to write just a brief about the trip.
We arrived at the Changi Airport, i really like their airport. its very exclusive really and i guess organize, because it was really easy for us to find our way to the taxi. We stayed at the 'rumah pinginapan malaysia'..erm,..its belongs to the m'sian embassy, really big nice luxury bungalow, 3 bedroom.pretty much like out own house.
our rest house
Singapore is definitely one of the best city so far i've been to...and i've no doubt it's one of the best city in the world. The city is just absolutely clean, even at the gerai along the street and hawkers selling icecream along the street are dressed clean. i remember as i was walking at Orchard Road, and there were many ppl buying these icecream at these hawkers...i stopped to buy one too. The icecream is quite good actually. but my point here is that they're were just hawkers...even in malaysia have these, but i dont think they even come close to the one in s'pore. I'm not talking bout the ice-cream..i'm talking about the condition of the place.
And then the scenery in singapore is just spectacular really. They really do make a good use of the building. Not all buildings there are high tower building. But they have variety of designs and architectural touch, which makes it so unique. Some of the building have colors which makes the city so lively.
communication & art community building..something like that.nice huh.
It's no wonder that Singapore has a sale campaign every June each year to attract tourist. The city is filled with shopping mall. There is shopping mall everywhere. You might think that its a small country and how big can the shopping mall get,right?Gosh,,,its really big!There shopping mall goes underground as well...i gave up going through it all.My feet hurts!
About the price of the goods...i wouldnt say that they're really cheap, because when you converted it to m'sian (RM)..its just the same, if not a bit higher. BUT, its worth it if you're a junk for this branded items..because the shopping mall give 10% discounts for tourist. And if you go to Vivo City shopping mall (which is the largest shopping mall in S'pore, and it is as i would describe Orchard Road in one building), they give another 20 % discount for tourist again. So all in all,,,at least you get 30% discount,,plus if you buy the items that are already on discount...imagine that? So its definitely a shopping paradise, with so many to discount and the designs of the product there is definitely the latest in the market.
at Orchard Rd
One night we went to Suntac City to watch the tallest water fountain in the world, but too bad there was no show that night. So we just sat and enjoy the night wind. And the view there is amazing!
look at the building there...really unique with different shapes!
Getting around the city we use their public transport. And once again, they rise to the occasion. Their public transport is very efficient. The bus even have this time schedule on the board at the bus stop stating on how many minutes that the bus will come. And they do. The bus there is so efficient that we didnt have to wait long for the buses to come. I've use buses in M' me..waiting for almost an hour is no surprise = P. Although i think they could improve on hiring bus drivers that actually know s'pore. Some of bus driver only know how to drive the freaking bus, but knows nothing about the bus stops because they are foreigners..gosh..didnt they trained them?Well...other than that their bus service is good, the bus driver i reckon is used to tourist, so they will gladly assist you and tell when you have arrived at your destination!If you dont want to take the bus then there is the taxi, which is everywhere is S'pore. We also got to use the MRT (which is like LRT in M'sia) which my sister and i tried to get to Cho Jiat Mall...this one, LRt in M'sia is not that their MRT is very similar to our LRT except that the ticket is like a touch&go card. And when you return the ticket after using it at the ticket machine, they'll give you $1 refund.Quite impressed with that.HAHA!
We also went to Sentosa Island...have to go there by the cable car.First, we went to the Underwater World...the one unique thing about it is that you can feed the fish. We only feed the Goldfish hahaha! There are big stingrays, but huh,,scary to feed that fish.Then we went for the 4D ride. Its a rollercoaster in the cinema, and seat insmoving and you feel like you're really in a roller coaster. Not scary at all. Maybe because i'm used to rollercoaster, and i find rollercoaster is very terrifying buy hah,like it! The place is still in process of development, i can see that they're are still constructing their rollercoaster. Then, we went to see the dolphine show. And last we went for the skyride and luge ride (which is like a go-cart).
The trip wont be complete without going to see the Merlion..meaning mermaid + lion. From Merlion Park, you can see across the sea that there is a big construction going on which we were informed that they are building a casino.
back there is the casino still under construction...
One thing i didnt find flattering was some of the people there. They weren't very helpful when we asked for direction. Even the person at the information counter was very unpleasant!When we asked her..she just said you go there and then ask some more people there lah...and she didnt even look at our face when she was talking.HAH!I wonder how did she get chosen to be in the information counter...and baik xyah tnnya ko kalo ko suro aku tnya org lain pulak....we got many of the response when we asked for direction. And even when we bought food and asked what is was, the response was very unfriendly.Did not like it at all!
So that was how the trip went, we even went to Johor Bahru on the second day...because my sister wanted to see her fiance and settle some of her wedding preparation thing. Would i ever go back to S'pore?Maybe...if i have the money.Because other than shopping i find that there isn't that much to do there.
My next trip..schedule for somewhere next year...hoping to go to London! ^ _^
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Why is everybody so happy?
With the result out...everybody seems to be so happy.
I should be happy too right?i mean, what's not to like....pass all the subjects.My result ain't that bad, only that it wasn't as what i expected it to be. Hah!Like that is a surpirse now a instict always failed me.Seriously who am i trying to kidd here. I know exactly why i am a little bit upset.
Ok,i should be happy!At least try, lets not spoil the moment will ya ilyana!At least pretend to be. I'm good at that.
Like a message someone posted on facebook. Destressed!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Got more than a job.
I am not happy about the interview....i will not elaborate further on this here. But i am glad that i got the job. I also got to met many familiar faces there...saw some of my assasians friends from other universities applying for the job under 'colas'. Also met my lecturer which was very nice. He is still such a a nice person.
And boy did i get more than a job today. As i was waiting at the kafe after the interview had finish, got a call from an unknown number. I already suspected that this must be somebody from the interview. And i was right. Ade pulak staff2 tadi yg nk berkenalan...omg..sempat pulak la diorg nk main2 amik nombor.ishk.seriously not interested.
If there is one thing that people need to know about me. Well. I DO NOT LIKE UNKNOWN NUMBER IN MY PHONE FROM UNKNOWN PERSON. Seriously, this old school style of getting someone's phone number without their permission with the hope that some sparks might be there...please..i don't buy it.
And now i think he's stalking me too (stalking is not the right term but i like to call someone a stalker when they dont stop calling me..haha). Some people just do not know how to read the signs dont' they...if i dont answer your calls ...then read the signs dude--->not interested!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
When shopping .....
So today I went shopping with my parents and my younger sister. My dad didn't know where to go actually, so he asked where i would like to go. His exact words were..."nana nk pegi mana?klcc?midvalley?piramid?atau OU". We eventually went to One Utama based on my so-very-logical answer that since my parents never went to OU before, so why not go there, when honestly i didn't like sunway pyramid very much, and klcc & mid is so blah~ (dah selalu sangat pegi). I know my sister wanted to go KLCC because she wanted to go to that bookstore, but com'on OU pon ade bookstore ape. She didnt seem to mind about it in the car, but i guess she probably didnt know that i read her blog....and she said something like at first she was kindda upset that i persuaded my dad not to go to klcc...BUT at the end of she wrote that it was fun. Haha. Of course! When you go shopping with me, it is always going to be FUN.
My dad said that he was going to for a window shopping only. I've heard that before. My dad is quite a spender himself. He always says he's not going to buy anything, which he ends up buying at the end. His favourite departmental store is no other than Marks & Spencer. In fact he specifically asked me to find out where got Marks&Spencer other than in klcc.
And as usual when i went shopping at any mall in kl with my parents, i always am the tour guide.
First, we were in Parkson, bought some kitchen stuff. As my dad was waiting at the cashier...there were a lot of people in line...and there was so many counter, but they only open convenience!My dad was really mad, he got really angry at the cashier boy on how stupid the management of the store is. I agree with him. It's Sunday. Parkson is on Sale. There are a lot of people. Then why the hell are they opening only one freaking counter. By this time, think everybody there was looking trying to see what was going on. And trust me, you dont wanna see my dad get angry. I felt sorry for the cashier boy as it is not entirely his fault, the manager of the store was nowhere to be seen...but i guess he probably heard it and ordered someone to opened up one more counter because a minute later, one young lady came over and took over another counter. And the line was quickly cleared. Thanks to my dad. = )
Next stop. Marks&Spencer.nothing interest me there.why?because none of the clothes have my size. So i just wondered off by myself, while my parents went along with their shopping there.
Then, freaking hungry. Didnt know where to eat. I know there is a lot of restaurant and cool cafes to eat there, but my dad has as particular food that he can't eat as he is watching his health. So we went to the food court, which is like sooo faaarr. Maybe because i am hungry. The mall is so huge and i didnt know where the food court was exactly, but i manage to find it without getting sesat. I am a good tourist guide.hehehe....
Next, we went to find my sister her shoes. She wanted to but shoes to wear for my sister's wedding in September. Lame lagi..awalnye nk beli..ok,whatever..not really my problem. I guess it's typical girls~susahnye nk cari kasut yang die berkenan. We even stopped at Elle. And i my god there were really lots of fun/cute shoes there...i am surprise that i did not buy there were on mum was constantly asking if i was sure i didnt want it....well,its because i already have one....dh ade kasut nk pakai untuk wedding kaklong nanti.tension jee~kalo tak boleh je beli. Plus i am on a strict probation period where i will no longer buy any shoes/sandles/flipflops etc..until i really need it.So until then, i pass.
Anyways, my sister found her shoes. So huraay. She also stopped at MPH and bought a book. So she's only happy kid.
And durian ice-cream never tasted soo good.
My dad was caught by this salesperson who promoted to him iron-stim...iron jenis yang xyah gosok atas iron board you just pass it by on the kain,then die trus hilang kedut. OK, kat rumah dh banyak iron actually...tapi my dad mmg suka layan salesperson. And he will buy it. And he did.
Before we all got really tired and tak larat nk jalan dah, i had to make a stop at the perfume shop to buy myself a perfume. Paris Hilton.Thank god ade sale!
So on my shopping list, there is one morething to buy. And one more thing, that i dont really need...but i do make sure dulu mase zaman study that every semester i will give my hair a treat at the salon = ))